Sunday, June 8, 2008

ROckin' ouT

Sermon Series: RockStar
After Rockin' Out in church this morning, I could feel a blog bubbling up inside of me. God is working on me right now to define who He is. A theme all round me right now is "How do I see God?" I am currently reading The Shack. (Book review to come) and that challenges how I see God. Jesus a Rockstar? Definitely challenges my view.
I know all of the "Sunday School" answers of what God is... Saviour, King, Creator. But what/who is He in real life? When the rubber hits the road...Who Is God? When life is flipped upside down. Who is God? When everything is great. Who is God?
A Rockstar?
An African woman?
A cosmic being that is out of reach?
Santa Clause?
A Friend?
Rescue Pack?
Right now God is ironing out the definition of who He is to me, who I will allow him to be for me, and who is regardless of me. Growing up in church every Sunday, I felt like I was handed God. I was told who He is. PERIOD. Don't question it, just except it. The bible says exactly who He is and the Bible is not to be questioned. But I ask who is God in real life, personally? Not just on paper in a book.
Today the point that He ironed out for me was this:
God is salvation. Salvation that I must except everyday. Not because I believe that you can loose salvation. But because it is an act of worship to accept a gift that has been given sacrificially, through death, so that I may live forever.
I want to live intentionally. Not just wondering through life "dealing" with whatever. But to actively accept the free gift of salvation and to respond to it with my life.
Joshua 25:15 ....Choose today who you will serve.....
As we Rocked out this morning this is one of the songs we sang. It has become my favorite. I always love how God seems to use music to speak to my soul.
It is a song of hope, salvation, and promise.


brenna said...

I heard this song for the first time last summer by a team in Guatemala. I LOVE this song!!

ocean mommy said... I have that "rock start" hannah song in my head!

I'm glad you're posting's good for you ;)

Rhonda said...

I love to see you growing. Know that I love you with all of my heart and pray for your constantly.
