Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Conversations heard around our house

Mom: Pey, please stop crying....you HAVE to share with your brother.
Pey: But I not want to share.
Mom: Jesus tells us that we need to love everyone and share. (Yes,I know HE didn't really say exactly that, but I try.)
Pey: But mooooooom.........Jesus didn't tell me that.
Mom: (trying to be wise) Ok God tells us that in the Bible.
Pey: But Mom, sometimes princesses cry.
Mom:ok (I think she won that one)

Mom:(While sitting on the toilet) Please, leave me alone. Can't I just poop in peace.
Bear: You poopin'!!! Yay! Daddy need to wipe you, Ok?
Mom: Ok, you go tell him that.

Pey: Hey MOM! I pooped! (Screaming from the bathroom)
Mom: Ok, tell me when your done.
Pey: Mom, it's Huge! Like and elephant trunk.

Mom: Ok goodnight lets say prayers.
Bear: Thank you Jesus for family, food, thunder and lightning (while make lightning sounds), and my monkey puppet dat goes oooooo, ooooo, ahhhh, ahhhhh
Pey: Thank you for da day. Thank you for mommy tummy feeling better. Thank you for our friends. Thank you for Jesus and God being best friends.


Jenny said...

Too funny!Nathan usually says his poop looks like a banana. Ha!

Rhonda said...

you have way too much time right now!

brenna said...

Wow... thank you for the laughs this morning!

ocean mommy said...

Why do so many conversations in our family happen around the toilet???