Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For this moment!

"What if God created me for THIS moment?!?"

What if you are living in a situation, whether it be good or bad, and it is THE very reason/purpose that God created you for?

What if you were created to work in a crappy job, just so you could have that 1 encounter with a person, and change their life?

What if you were created to speak kindly to someone, who is thinking of death?

What if you were created to have crohns disease so that you could have that 1 moment with someone, and let them know that you understand their pain?

What if you were created for this school year, so that you could be that 1 teacher who changed their life?

What if your moment was Sept. 11? Your moment was to say.. "Let's Roll".

What if you were created for today. Only today. How would you live differently? Would you go through the day keeping a lookout for "your moment"?

What if you missed YOUR moment because you were in a bad mood, tired, held a grudge, scared, selfish? What if you missed one of those moments and it cost them their life or their eternity?

Well that is how I see life. God created us for special moments. For life changing moments.

I know that God created us to have many life changing special moments that are meant to point others to Him. I also know that God doesn't NEED us to fulfill His plans. But, what a great privilege that we can be a part of the incredible story that He has written.

God please help me to be aware of what is around me. Help me not to miss the "moment" that you created me for. Thank you for letting me a part of this story that you wrote before life existed.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...


Love you