Friday, March 26, 2010

Book Review- Big Honkin' Book of Grub the title should say enough :-X I picked this book out to do a review on simply because I thought it was a cookbook. Because somewhere in my silly little brain I thought it would be fun to do a cookbook review. Well, little did I know that this book is NOT a cookbook (though it does have some recipes in it). I feel kind of bad giving a negative review on something.....well not really.
If you read my last blog you will understand that we are attempting to eat healthier (like by planting a garden :-) We are trying to be more aware of the things that we put in our bodies and we are trying to take care of ourselves a little more. So....when I open a book and one of the first things I see (at the end of the table of contents) is "All the fat is the Lord's....." Leviticus 3:16 . I knew I had picked out an interesting book. As a pressed on through the book I was grossed out. One section (pg.38) is titled "The Hot Dog". Please let me take just a second and quote a little bit out of this section.
The egg may be incredible. Honey may be a virtual fountain of youth. But we admire the hot dog. The hot dog is an unapologetic food. It doesn't have to tell you what all is inside of it. It figures beef,pork,chicken, or turkey is all the information you need to go on. It can lie there on its bun and dare you to take a bite of it. It's a proud food. It is, in fact, the perfect food.

On that note I will leave you with one star, because that is all I can give it. And honestly I am only giving that star because I would feel really bad giving it 0 stars. :-)

There were many other sections on restaurants, church dinners, food,food and more food. I wish it had been a book on moderation or on enjoying or favorites in a healthy way. But it wasn't.


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