Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Date Night

Being a stay at home, home schooling, mom of 4 doesn't typically bother me.  In fact I LOVE it.  I can't imagine ever doing anything else. When asked if I have a dream or anything else I want to do with my life....I can easily without hesitation say ....NO!  I believe with everything that is in me, this is what God created me to do.  I believe that before He knitted me in my mother's womb He planned for me to stay at home and guide my children through their lives.
Now that being said...there are days that come, when my alarm doesn't go off, children wake me up fighting, I burn breakfast, then my bra breaks, and then my cell phone goes flying and shatters. 
But come on....doctors kill patients some days.
and airline pilots crash planes.....Right?!?
I tell you all of this to say how much I love date night.  When my day is messy and my week chaotic, I know that date night is coming.
Date night is a night that Steven and I have set aside to be out together.  It is a night when the chaos and messiness doesn't necessarily stop but when we come together and deal with it.  It is a night that we can shut off alot of our lives and just be together.  It is a night where I get to be with my best friend in the whole wide world, lock arms to take it all on together. 
Most of the week our lives take us in a million directions.  Even if we are at home together the craziness of family, children, football, twitter, house work's all still in front of us.  But out, together...even if it is only getting a .59 cent cone at Mcdonalds, it still OUT! 
Our kids used to ask why we HAD to do date night.  But in a world where marriages are falling apart all over the place.  It is easy to explain why date night is a must. I pray that date night shows our children that we value each other and value our family. 
So even if I do have a week where everything goes to pot and then one... more.... thing.... happens, I know...that date night is coming :-)  And I am thankful that date night includes a night out with my BFF where we get to tackle the world together. 



stop along the way said...

Loved this! Thank you Lindsay for being honest & open...surely your family will appreciate that too. : )

Meet the Major's said...

Yes! Date nights are the best! Even if it is out going to no where in particular! Justin and I try for once a month, I wish it were more. We have a good rotation going with another Lifepoint family and we trade off watching the kids so the other couple can get a night out! Saturday we are going DANCING! So excited!