Monday, April 4, 2011

Thinking in Tweets

Ok so I must admit it.....

I think in tweet mode.


I listen in tweet mode.


I read in tweet mode

I don't necessarily listen/read/think so that I can tweet something.  I just listen and read in a short, 140 characters or less, kind of way.  When I listen to speakers (or Preachers :-)  I listen for that ONE line that is impacting.  When I read I read with intense detail looking for that ONE line or phrase. When I think....well ok I think bigger, but I try to think of the one BIG point that is impacting. It might be impacting in a funny way or in a profoundly deep, change my life kind of way. 

So this begs a question. "Am I that way because of twitter? Or does Twitter simply speak the way I think?"

What ever the answer may be, I thought I would share some of my favorites.  Some are from twitter and some are just ones that I have collected.

"If you have to demand loyalty then you haven't earned it." (Andy Stanley)
"Dear Skinny Jeans: Your 15 minutes are up." (Angie Smith)
"Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety." (Steven Latham)
"Mom, I can't do my school work because it makes my throat hurt and I might die. "(Barron)
"Is that Bear poop? Well, if I see a bear it is a good thing I only have to run faster than you." (name protected)
"If I talk so much, then why don't I have a quote of the day?" (Jacqulyn Miller)
"Some people are like slinkys. Aren't good for much, but sure are fun to watch when you push 'em down the stairs." (Anita Renfroe)
"Never trust a person who always points out problems but never seems to have viable solutions." (Perry Noble)
"There are no dumb questions, only dumb people asking questions." (Shane Miller)
"The connection between the sinner and the Savior is TRUST, not improvement of behavior." (John Piper)
"Welcome, come inside and enjoy our new ramp." (Church sign and no they weren't talking about a skate ramp :-)
"Marriage is a rushing stream that God uses to shape us into more loving people." (Love and War)
"Make-up doesn't make you beautiful, your heart does." (Peyton)
"If your feelings don't line up with the word of God then your feelings don't matter." (Priscilla Shirer)
"The fact that no one understands you, does NOT make you an artist." (unknown)
"How are you owning the mission of the church?" (
"Authority allows leaders to make decisions not just complete tasks." (Clay Scroggins)
"Jesus came not to make a point but to make a difference." (Andy Stanley)

So think on this....

Some people will only remember what you said if you say it in under 140 characters :-)


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