Saturday, April 13, 2013

Confused about Kermit

Kermit Gosnell.  Whew! Boy is he the topic on social media right now? A couple of days ago I watched this video about him...  (It is about 20 minutes and it has some pretty graphic stuff in it. But it is well done and really shines the light on the horrific things that this man has done.)

3801 Lancaster from 3801Lancaster on Vimeo.

After I watched it and cried a little through it, I sat for a while and just thought about it all. I thought about the different scenes that almost made me sick to my stomach.  I thought about the women that would come and go from that clinic and the desperate situation that they felt they were in.  I thought about the lack of churches stepping up to love these women though their desperate situation.  But then I thought about the babies.   It was the thoughts of the unborn and some born that made me angry.  And when I say angry I mean angry.  So angry that I couldn't talk about it because anything that would come out of my mouth would be hurtful and hateful.   I knew that I needed some time to think on my anger.  After a couple of days and many quiet moments, this is the conclusion I have come to.....

We as Christians have failed.  We have failed to show the world and it's women that we love them no matter what.  No matter what their choices are, no matter what choices they have made that have led them into their consequences, no matter what.  We as Christians have scared society into thinking that all we do is condemn and in turn all our God does is judge.  We have missed the opportunity to love people who are in desperate need of love and help.

We watch these videos and post tweets about how horrible this doctor is, but we forget it takes two to tango.  For all of the hundreds of babies this man murdered, there were hundreds of mothers that carried these babies into his office.  By failing to take care and love them we have failed to protect and love their children.

In my quiet moments I have also thought on why this man is getting so much attention.  The obvious answer is because he committed horrific crimes against babies.
But I would ask, how is he any different than any other abortionist?
Is it because the rooms were unsanitary? Is it because his clinic was in a low income area? Or is it because they were babies? It would seem that the simple answer is....He is getting so much attention because they were babies that he murdered. But that is not the right answer...because if we believe what we say...that  life begins at conception...then we would have to agree that babies are murdered every day. ALL(American Life League  ) says the numbers are around 3200 a day. That is one abortion every 26 seconds. 

So the right answer is, because it is all very ugly.  It is all in our face. It makes us feel awful and sick to our stomachs. We think, how can we sit back and let something this horrific go unspoken of?  What about all of those precious, innocent babies that he murdered day after day, without anyone caring or speaking out for them?  What about those poor women, who felt like they had no other options than to go into a blood stained medical office and ask for anything, let alone medical treatment?  What about the story after story of lives taken before they even were given a chance? What about the BABIES? 

Well, that is the right answer.  Let this man Kermit Gosnell bring to light the horrific act of murdering babies. Let him appall us so much that we are driven to speak out in defense of the the innocent.  But let us not forget the millions that are murdered each year in clean procedure rooms, in nice office buildings, with doctors operating under the law. Because those abortions are still killings of the innocent.

 So lets stop screaming, and tweeting, and facebooking about one abortionist, and start screaming, and tweeting, facebooking about ALL abortionists.

 It is a sad time in our country when society judges a crime against the innocent based on the age of the innocent.  A baby is a baby. A life is a life.


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