Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sick and tired

I sit this morning at a local Chick-fil-a eating breakfast, catching up on some reading, and watching the sun rise.  I left my house this morning pretty early because I couldn't sleep.  My alarm was due to go off around 6am (which means I might roll out of bed around 6:30ish) but my body was done with sleeping around 4:50 😟. This crazy weather we are having, is reeking havoc on my body. Coughing and sneezing have become my new language.  So instead of waking the entire house with my dog barking cough, I went where any sensible person would go until her local chick-fil-a opened.....Walmart. After wishing all of my local Walmart employees a barking good morning, I now watch the sunrise.

This morning as I sit here scrolling Facebook, blogs and twitter, I notice a common theme and it is driving me crazy. So while I am sick and tired and my filter is a little thin, I thought I would share what is making me mad (crazy not angry...maybe:)

When someone says something that is really clever, cute, wise, profound and you (or I ) want to repeat it, retweet it, preach it, or blog it...for crying out loud....give that clever, cute, wise, profound person some credit.   I can't decide if it is pride or simply laziness that keeps people from giving credit where credit is do, but none the less it is wrong.  It is stealing.
I am a pretty avid reader and I can not count the times that I have heard people quote things out of books that I have read and then claim it as their own or say nothing and it is implied that it is their material.
I just saw 4 different times on face book where people were quoting Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty. He did a great little interview for Lifeway about his faith and Church folks are all excited and quoting him left and right. Don't get me wrong it is a great interview, made me an even bigger fan, but...give poor old Phil the credit he deserves.  He's funny and when you use his lines, like they are are NOT funny. You are a thief.

I don't think that it makes someone seem less creative or less wise when they give credit to the person  who originally said it.  But I DO think that it makes someone look very foolish when they make a great comment, tweet, or tell a clever story and then someone googles it only to find out that it originated another time and place. Not that I would ever google someones tweet...ok I would....and have.

So, the sun is up and it is a beautiful morning.  I am going to finish my breakfast and then head off to Lifeway.  Hopefully my filter will get a little thicker and I will feel a little better.

But for now....thanks for listening to my little rant.


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