Saturday, November 22, 2008

Many thoughts

This week has been a full week. So I welcome this weekend to be off and to rest. My week began last Friday (yes I know that the week doesn't actually begin on a Friday. But please just humor me with understanding.) I begin again.... My week began last Friday where I spent around 2 hours and 45 minutes in the dentist office. And 2 hours and 30 minutes with my mouth wide open and turned half upside down. I opted to have all of, my much needed, dental work done in one visit. (for scheduling purposes)
As our "week" went on, slowly everyone in our house was getting sick with the wonderful sinus/cough/runny nose/feel like crap sickness. I stayed home from church on Sunday with all of the kids just because we felt pretty rotten. Monday came I went to work and Hubby went to the doctor with the little kids. Only to be told "they have a cold". (thought: Hello can I have our life savings back? Yeah, the one that you just took and called a "co-pay".) The week went on and Wednesday landed me at the doctor with a sinus infection. Thursday, Hubby went to the doctor for the same diagnosis. (at least we got antibiotics out of our doctor)
Thursday night my brother called me about a death in our family. A cousin on my father's side. My brother's blog sheds wonderful light on her death. My heart has been so heavy since Thursday night. Her death was sudden and tragic, and it has left many people hurt and confused. I am broken hearted for the parents who have lost their child and children who have lost their mother. She was many things to many people, so she will be forever missed.
Today, hubby left with one of the older girls to head to a VT game. It will be her first. Dad was pretty excited to show her around his beloved VT. They packed a suitcase full of warm clothing that they planned to put on once they got there. Right now it is 28 degrees in Blacksburg, Va. I am sure that they will have a freezing, good time.
Shel and I have spent the better part of the day cooking. Actually, she has been cooking and I have been her moral support. She made a wonderful beef stew and some fantastic chocolate chip/devils food cake cookies. It is always great to spend time individually with the kids.
As you have read, this week has been long. (especially since it began on last Friday) Next week will be a busy week in the store I am in. As it includes Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I am sure that it will be full of people who are unthankful and greedy. But I will pray that somewhere in that crowd, will be people who remember it is Thanksgiving and who know the true meaning of Christmas, and if not... I will kick them in the shin and remind them.... just kidding (kind of) hopefully I can try to be the calm in the "storm" of retails version of Christmas (that is a whole different blog so I won't go there now)

Have a great weekend! Please keep my Father's side of the family in your prayers this weekend.
God, thank you for the business of this past week. Thank you for using it to remind me that you are the God of peace in a world that is crazy. Thank you for holding my health in your hands and giving me each day to live with my family. Please continue to keep us focused and real.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

Hey! I'm asking God to give you an extra dose of energy, strength and patience as you work on Friday! I know it will be a crazy day!!! Will they let you pump in some Toby Mac? I think a little praise dance music will make the day go by fast. :)