Monday, November 10, 2008

There is more than corn...

We are slowly getting back in the groove this morning after a long weekend away. Hubby and I had the pleasure of getting out of town for the weekend w/o kiddos. We headed to Indiana to visit a church. We also were very excited to get to see Hubby's sister and her family.

Over the next weeks please take some time and pray for us and for ECC (the church we visited). Everyone will be taking steps in some direction and everyone will need much prayer in order to do that. We know that we serve a God who has already written what will happen. We know that we serve a God who's timing and planning is perfect. And we know that we serve a God who loves us. So please pray for all of us through this process.

On a little less serious note... this weekend was great. Tons of laughs and new friends. Here are some of the interesting things that I learned this weekend:

1: It is stinkin cold there... and they still call it fall.

2:POP? Uh... translation please: Coke.

3: It is really cold and it isn't winter yet. YIKES!

4:A Worship song might sound like a song from a Barbie movie , if you play it over and over in your head ?? (At least in some peoples head. Thanks Carla)

5:Sticky pads apparently don't kill large rats, even if you come at them with oven mitts and BBQ tongs. (Thanks Greg)

6: Did I say that it was cold? Oh and windy! And it isn't winter there yet.

7: White Mocha is good fuel for the body and it warms you up.

8: Bumper sticker: Proud Child of a tobacco free parent.

9: LOST is a universal language amongst the intelligent. (Yes, that means if you don't watch LOST you aren't.....)

10: You really can have a RAM show up in your back yard in Indiana.

11: It is really, really windy and cold there.

Bottom line.... There is more than corn in Indiana.


ocean mommy said...

Comment to your #7: Amen and Amen...

and to #8: Was that for real?? They must be so proud.

Glad you are home. We're praying that God will make it so very clear to each one of you..


Lindsay said...

yes, it was for real.

Jenny said...

Ha! I can attest to those cold weather comments! Brr! It makes my bones cold. Glad you all had a good visit.

brenna said...

Okay, I realize now how disconnected we have become in the last few weeks. I didn't even know you were going to Indiana!!! I think a phone call this week is in order.

Ed Evans said...

guess what! it's 31F here this morning.