Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feel Sorry

Do you ever walk through the grocery store and see "THAT MOM"? You know the one.... her kids are screaming, fighting, begging for anything and everything, and she looks like she was hit by a freight train. No makeup, sweats, hair messed up, face red, and she looks like she needs a nap.

Well today that was me.
But it wasn't near as bad as it apparently looked.

Today was my day off. I have proclaimed that my day off would be the library, gym, grocery store day with the kids. It is a way that I can maximize my errands and spend time with my favorite little people (Ok so 2 of them are my height, not your average "little people")

First stop- The Gym. Workout, kids swim, etc.
Second stop- The Library
Third stop- The grocery store

The kids were a little hyped up from the gym. I had promised candy to well behaved children. (Bribery= frowned on by the idealistic dreamers. Treasured by the realistic parents who need to accomplish things in their day.) Most of the way through the store the little kids were singing (maybe a little loud. But I enjoy the songs over the whines) and they were naming off what kind of candy they wanted because they were being so good. (ok ok, and little bear was walking backwards through the entire store.) By the time I got to the register most of the other costumers new that we were in the store :-) I giggled inside as I watched onlookers give me the "Wow, she's really got her hand full" look. Then I just had to laugh out loud when I got to the parking lot and a couple of people gave me the "I feel really sorry for her, she looks like a mess, and her kids are crazy" look. Because the truth is.... we were having a blast. And I looked like a mess because I had been working out with my kids and enjoying my day.

So the next time you want to feel sorry for someone, think about it for a moment. They might really be having a hard time and need a little love or they might love what is going on and exactly what it took to get them there.

Just a glimpse into my day.
Much love.

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