Thursday, December 18, 2014

Advent 13-16 Walking around walls to Shepherding sheep

The Warrior Leader
Joshua 3 & 6

Ok, just for the record....anytime I EVER hear the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho, my mind always goes here......


So thank you Veggie Tales for always giving me the mental picture of "Silly little Peas" when I think of this story.  And for always giving me a song to sing when  my kids are tired of walking ANYWHERE. 
(Keep walking....but you won't knock down our wall)

But for advent we honored this story with this...
We will call this french horn a "Rams horn" :-)

Advent #14
The Teeny, Weenie...true king
Samuel annoints David
1 Samuel 16
Jesus Storybook Bible- Samuel annointed David's head with oil-which was a special way to show that you are God's chosen king.....
God chose David to be king because God was getting His people ready for an even greater King who was coming.  

Little bottle of oil.

Advent #15
The young hero and the horrible giant
David and Goliath 
1 Samuel 17
Jesus Storybook bible- "It isn't how strong you are or how many swords and spears you have that will save you- it is God who saves you! This is God's battle. And God always wins His battles!"

Stones for the sling shot

Advent #16
The Good Shepherd
David the Shepherd King
Psalm 52, 2 Samuel 7

Jesus Storybook Bible- David was a shepherd, but when God looked at him, he saw a king.
God gave David songs to sing to his people, so they could know that he loved them and would always look after them- like a shepherd loves his sheep. ... Another Shepherd was coming- a greater Shepherd.  He would be called the Good Shepherd. And this Shepherd was going to lead all of God's lambs back to the place where they had always belonged- close to God's heart.

Merry Christmas

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