Saturday, July 5, 2008

Frozen Nuggets

Conversations over the past week have gone like this:

Daddy says: "Hey Pey, I am a mommy"
Pey: "No you not. You not have shaky boobies. Mommies have shaky boobies."

Bear: "I not want my nuggets hot"
Mom: "Ok just let them cool off after I cook them."
Bear: "No!"
(Then he grabs the nugget off the baking pan, still frozen, and begins to eat it."
Mom: Duh! That's not cook yet.
Bear: I like it cold.

Pey: I am a princess and I am going out in the rain. This is my rain coat. Bubby, go get your hat, it is raining.
(Picture above is the finished product.)

Pey is running around without a shirt. So I, trying to be the good mommy say,"Pey, go put your shirt on."
Bear interrupts : "I a man, I not have to wear shirt."
Pey: "I take my shirt off like the girls on the talent show do."

(Little did I know that "America's Got Talent" would have such an impact on her.)

So I ask.... what makes a good parent?

-The fact that "shaky boobies" is a part of our vocabulary.
-I let them eat the nuggets frozen.
-This is normal rain wear.
- Or that I didn't know what to say after #4.

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Jenny said...

That is priceless - you should really have a video camera ready at all times to catch stuff like this and send it on to America's Funniest Home Videos!!! They are both just too cute!

ocean mommy said...

Sweet Mercy....

Those two are something else. :)

brenna said...


Steven Latham said...

Man, that cool cat on the right looks an awful lot like me...