Thursday, July 17, 2008


Wow! It has definitely been a while since I blogged. I will start by saying what a great day we (our fam.) had. We spent the good part of the day at the pool. It was an exhausting day, but fantastically restful. And much needed. It has been an interesting week or so, emotionally I can't even begin to describe where I am. I guess that is why a day at the pool, with the family was so appreciated.

For the sake of not having a pity party and a depressing blog... I am just going to throw out some prayer request:

1- Aug. 6th- is surgery to remove some of my guts.
2- New store manager for me. So, work is very busy. And I am tired.
3- No job leads for hubby.
4- Emotionally exhausted because of 1,2,3

Though life is what it is for our family right now. We can definitely see God doing some amazing things. I am constantly in awwww of His timing. The hardest thing about all of this is being patient.


brenna said...

YAY for the pool!! I think people underestimate the healing power of a pool :-) Y'all are in our prayers!

ocean mommy said...

We're praying.

And I totally agree with Brenna on the healing power of the pool!

Wish we could be there with you guys right now...