Friday, July 4, 2008


As some of you know, I am currently reading The Shack. (Yes I am still reading it.) It normally doesn't take me this long to read any book, but I find that I am wanting to digest each page. I am amazed at how much a fiction book can make me think.

While I was waiting at the hospital to get my CT scan on Wed. I picked up the Shack and pressed forward. I didn't get far before before God reached out and shook me.... (again)
Here is what I read....

"there are millions of reasons to allow pain and hurt and suffering rather than to eradicate them, but most of those reasons can only be understood within each persons story. I (God) am not evil. You (humans) are the ones who embrace fear and pain and power and rights so readily in your relationships. But your choices are also not stronger than my purposes, and I will use every choice you make for the ultimate good and the most loving outcome."

What a vision of hope! Your choices are not stronger than my purpose.


ocean mommy said...

I have got to get this book. Everyone I know is reading it for the second or third time. need to get a book wish list together for your recovery time. E-mail it to me and I'll drop some hints amongst the parents...

Donna @ Way More Homemade said...

Linked to you from ocean mommy's blog. I read this book in record time. which is extremely unusual for me.

It's now several weeks after you posted this... have you finished yet?
