Friday, September 26, 2008

Be Blessed

What does that really mean? Or what do you really mean when you say the word "bless".
Bless you-after a sneeze.
God bless you- Tryin' hard to say somethin churchy. Or writing a letter asking for money.
Bless her heart-Awww, she's is such an idiot.
Bless their soul- What a Dummy!
(Ok, for some of you who say those things and really are "blessing" someone, I apologize)

Most of you know that I work for a Christian bookstore. I was recently chewed out by a wonderful customer (note the sarcasm) because we don't say "Have a blessed day" or "God bless you". I must say, I was completely taken back.
I have been chewed out by a number of customers on all sorts of things. Everything from a bible not being on sale (chewed by a pastor), a Hymnal having "Worship" on the cover instead of Baptist(chewed by a Music minister), to a Minister's discount not being given to a church member (note I said a MINISTER's discount not given to a CHURCH member)
But.... this one topped the chart. Her argument was, because we are a Christian bookstore, we should shine God's love to our customers. We should be telling everyone, "have a blessed day" and "God bless you". Right before she hung up the phone she said," I just want to help you all out, and I wanted to bless your day." I guess she was shining "God's love" by chewing me out.

What did this woman REALLY want? To cause trouble? Constructive criticism? To make me laugh? To bless me? To scold me?
I know what she SAID she wanted, "to bless my day". But I can guarantee you ,that did not happen. After I got up off the floor from my laughter, I began to think about all that she had said. (and then I started laughing again at the fact that she was almost Yelling at me. but then I gained my composer and began to think again, (while still giggling))
It did make me think about the whole "blessing" thing. I know that if I said "have a blessed day" to every customer the I dealt with, it would quickly become meaningless. (That hoping it had meaning in the first place.) I wonder how often that happens in our lives. How often do we say, "Have a great day. How are you doing today? It is great to see you. I love honey (to your loved one of course. It would be kind of odd if you said that to the check out lady at Walmart or the hole puncher at Sams... Sorry I digress)

My lesson for the day..... mean what you say and say what you mean.

If I had one month to live..... My blessings would be real and I would definitely mean what I say. Living Life without regrets.

God help me to be authentic and transparent. Help me live with no regrets knowing that my life is just a mist. Help me to show up for each day that you gifted me.


Chadwick said...

Work would be so much more pleasant if we didn't have to deal with customers and employees!! :)

The Sobie said...

Bless your heart!