Friday, September 5, 2008

Something New

Over the past week and a half I have been working this blog out in my head. Trying to put words together and to have my thoughts make since. So bear with me and I'll try to pull it together for you.

2 Sundays ago our pastor preached a sermon that put words, to my feelings. He spoke about the purpose of the church. (I know this wasn't the only thing that he spoke about, but this is the part that God wanted me to hear. I know this because I don't remember any of the other stuff.
:-) Sorry Daniel.)

Since the first Sunday we came to Lifepoint Church, we have loved it. To be quite honest I questioned why. Is it the style of music? Is it the breath of fresh air? Is it the comfortable style? Is it the friendliness of everyone? Is it the great preaching? Is it the children's ministry? or Is it a rebound church? (Like a rebound boyfriend. You know you can date pretty much anyone after a bad break-up and they will look like Prince Charming.) Somewhere down inside I think that I have been afraid that I love this church only ISN'T our old church. (if you have ever been in ministry and had to leave a church, you understand this feeling. It is the feeling of relief. It is the feeling of the elephant FINALLY stepping OFF of your chest.)

But then Daniel preached this sermon.

And I realized why I love being a part of my new church.

I will try to summarize what I heard last Sunday.

He told the story of "the woman at the well." He talked about the Living water of Christ.
And then he said,"That's what we (the church) are. A watering station. We are here to hand out the living water of Christ."

That's it!

That was what I heard 2 Sundays ago. I heard a man state a vision for our church, that should be the vision for every church. Church shouldn't be about programs, calenders, self-service (aka:Church service) Church should be about handing out water.
As I sat in my seat 2 Sundays ago, my light bulb went off. I got it. Daniel put into words, what I had been feeling. I love my church because it's priority is reaching broken people, and handing them water. Reaching me, and giving me water. Helping me reach others and hand them water.

This past Saturday Hubby got to be a part of a "Gas buy down". Our church went out to a local gas station and dropped the price buy 50 cents. Then they pumped their gas and washed their windows.

Gas Buy Down 2008 from Josh Lazar on Vimeo.

Some might ask why in the world would we do something like that? Or they must have tons of money to just throw around.
Nope! They were just "handing out water" and loving on a community. The really cool thing is... you can search youtube for gas buy down. And you will see that we are not alone.

I don't tell you any of this to boast or brag about "our church". Because the truth is... Each church can be a watering station.

Or life is tough right now. That is no secret to most of you. But we know that God has a great purpose. It is our honor to spend this season of our life being apart of a church that has this as it's passion. It gives a little bit of purpose to all of the hard ships that we have been facing recently. Because of those things, we get to be a part of this.

Thank you God. Thank you for the rain. It always makes the grass greener.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

That gas buy down thing is so cool! Mom and Dad said a church did that in Ooltewah last week sometime. They said it was awesome to see Christians handing out water and just talking to people waiting in line. My dad was all fired up about it, thought it was the neatest thing ever.

I'm thankful God has given you a place to be refreshed and loved on.