Story continues.......
I didn't know that while I was helping our friend through the loss of her sister, that a storm was brewing. (figuratively of course) On that Friday I was supposed to work in the evening. I had called my assistant manager and talked to her about finding coverage so that I could be with our friend. She stepped in and came to my rescue in huge way by quickly letting me know that she would take care of it all.
I have worked retail off and on for almost 15 years. (I can't believe how old that makes me sound)I have worked for tons of managers, assistant managers, district managers etc. and I can count on one hand the number of times I have had someone do, what she did, for me. I was amazed and so grateful. She later told me, "I wanted to minister to you so that you could minister to your friend."
I went on with my day doing what ever we needed to help this family with their loss. Once I came home, I discovered that things had blown up at my job. My assistant manager explained the situation to my store manager and.....let's just say he didn't take it the same way she did :-( He was pretty upset with the overtime that I was going to cost the store and with my lack of fulfilling my obligations.
I was told that the afternoon also included a nasty conversation between my Hubby and the store manager. My hubby called the store to explain all that I was going through with this family. He also explained my responsibility and duty to the ministry life we live.
When I finally came home I heard the whole story. WOW!!!! I couldn't believe that something that seemed like it was going so good, could turn out so bad. I wasn't sure how to respond. At the core I felt like I was being told (by my job) that I should have chosen them over ministry.
That Monday morning I went to the store to talk about all that had happened that weekend. I prayed alot before I went in to meet with him. I prayed that God would control my emotions and my reactions. I prayed for peace and wisdom over my words. **Side note** I don't have many PASSIONS in my life. But the few I do have are VERY important to me. If you step on them or challenge them I have a tendency to react.....loudly! :-)***** That being said, I know my self. And I am very passionate about the ministry life that we have been called to. I call it an honor and I do not take it lightly. So I needed to pray peace over my reactions :-)
I told my manager when I went into the meeting, that I had written my 2 week notice. I explained that I needed to do that , so I could be completely honest with my feelings. In the end if he needed to accept my 2 week notice, then fine. If we could work past it all, then great! But if I knew that He could fire me because of what I said....then I knew I couldn't tell him completely how I felt. I needed to be able to "empty the bucket".
I went on to tell him all of how I felt that weekend. God definitely had his hand on me. I said everything I needed to say with completely control. I never raised my voice and I did "emptied the bucket".
I struck a nerve with some of the things that I said. The conversation ended with my notice left on the table.
As I left the store that day, I realized how much I liked my job (I had known how much I needed my job). But, I knew I had done the right thing. I knew that ministry was supposed to come first that day. I knew that I needed to go talk to my store manager and tell him completely how I felt. And all I could do was trust that God would honor my choices.
more tomorrow!
ps. I have thought long and hard about telling this part of the story. Knowing that people in or around the store could and would read it. But I want you to see the full picture of what God has done and if you don't understand the "valleys" you can appreciate the "mountains".
**Spoiler Alert**
I end up back at my job :-)
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