Friday, June 15, 2007

In the dark!

So as I write this blog today I write in the dark. I am sitting in my hallway, with my lunch, my laptop, and my beloved mellow yellow and I am trying to be invisible and silent. I guess you could call me "Stealth Mommy".

Over the past weeks we have been slowly transitoning Pey and Bear to "Big Kid Beds". I have kept pac-n-plays up in their room beside mattress on the floor. If they decided to get up and run around the room then we would put them in the "Baby Beds". This seemed to be getting it done, but I found that the pac-n-plays are a lot less work. SO they are my crutch. At the end of the day when I am done and I NEED everyone to go to bed, then I can just put them in their pac-n-plays and they would go right to sleep. But the big kid beds don't work quite so easily. As soon as I shut the door, they are up running around , squealing like little pigs and tackling each other. SO..... yesterday I was exhausted at nap time. I put them in their pac-n-plays and decided to go rest. About 5 minutes after I shut the door I heard all kinds of noise. I went upstairs to find the Pey had climbed out of hers and into his bed and they were jumping up and down and having a party. After that I decided to make the leap. I put the pac-n-plays away and decided I would tough it out and get them permanently sleeping in big beds.

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! THIS IS HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought they would give up after a while and just lay down. BUT NO!!! They will not stay in their beds and they just laugh at me in my frustrations. SO I have found that they ONLY trick that works is for me to sit at their doorway with the door wide open until they go to sleep.

Hopefully that explains my new title of "Stealth Mommy". All I can say is "thank the Lord for wireless internet." At least I can sit in the hallway and blog or surf. It actually has made for some great and peaceful quiet time.

Well, I guess I am finished with my blog time because Bear has stopped singing twinkle twinkle and Pey Pey has stopped counting.

Sitting here in the quiet of this time one word comes to mind Endurance! But with that word come the word Love.

1 Cor. 13:7-8a - Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen.


Jenny said...

Couldn't help but chuckle with this post! As I am writing I am hearing a very persistent 7-month old that refuses to sleep. Ugh... kids and sleeping is so frustrating!

ocean mommy said...

:) That is so funny. I can just see her jumping out of her bed and into his.