Wednesday, June 6, 2007


It has been a long couple of days. I hate to say it ....but.... THE KIDS ARE DRIVING ME NUTZZZ!!!! Between the whining of the 2 year olds and the fighting of the 10year olds. I just keep praying that someone will send me to time out.

Things have been very hectic at church lately. I feel like I am in a cartoon world where the little angel is on one shoulder and the devil on the other. I feel like we are constantly having to "deal" with something. It makes it very hard when we are all at home together to leave "church stuff" outside. By the time the night is over we have talked about it all and then we are too tired to talk about anything else.

Keep us in your prayers. As our church goes through this season of it's life pray that the staff will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary, They will walk and not faint. And while you are praying for our church and it's staff pray for your own. Ministry families have it rough sometimes. Eating and breathing church life all the time can sometimes make you sick to your stomach. :-)

God bless you all and thanks for reading my rant.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

Hang in there. It's a season, as hard as it is, God's going to use this to make you more like Him.