Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fun Fun Fun

I figured I would start this blog on a good note. This past weekend we had some friends of ours come and visit us. They have 3 kids. We had a blast! So in this slide show you will see pictures with there kids and us at the beach. Last night our family headed out to the beach and the board walk to have a little vacationy (is that a word?) fun. We rode some fun rides and had a lot of fun. You will also see in the pictures the sand sculptures that are on the beach. You can look this guy up on line and see even more of his work. It is truly amazing. I will also put a link in here to the web page for the pictures because the last 5 or 6 pictures you will see are actually videos. But you have to go to the web site to view them.


On another note..

No word from my doctor yet. I called today and they were supposed to call back but the didn't. To complicate matters more, we are leaving in the morning for Florida. I am still feeling pretty under the weather so please keep all of us in you prayers. Hopefully I will be able to get some answers tomorrow by phone.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

the pictures are great! we can't wait to see you all.

praying that the flight and all the little details of traveling with 4 children are smooth Wednesday!

Also praying about the health issue. We love you all