Monday, May 19, 2008

A new day

If you were to scroll through my blog archives you would see many new starts, new beginnings, first days, etc. etc. I guess that is the beauty of 1 day only lasting 24hours. Once that 24 hours is up...... then we all have the choice of a redo or a continuation of what we have been doing.

Over the past days, weeks, months, our lives have been flipped upside down. With my health, Hubby's job, our house, moving, and on and on. I feel like we wake up in the morning and do all that we can to move forward. I feel like our lives have been soaked in prayer and the willfulness to follow God's leading.
Confession time:
What else are we supposed to do? Life has been so crazy and chaotic that we have no choice but to pray about it. It is not like we can "fix" anything ourselves. And where are we going to go? We have no choice but to go where God tells us, because there isn't anyone else calling. I know that sounds horrible. I wish that I could say that we sit back with open arms all the time singing "Where ever He leads I'll go". While reading our bibles constantly and praying every hour. But we are in survival mode. I get up, deal with what ever is going to come at us this week while throwing up my "Hail Marys" throughout the day. So Yes, I pray all the time but they are "Oh God help me ____________" kind of prayers.

Now on some level I am sure that this is a good place to be. Where the only thing we can do is pray. But I am a proactive person. I don't like to wake up in the morning and just accept whatever is coming that day. I need a plan. I don't want to be on the defense anymore, I am tired of standing back and waiting for something to come my way and then having to deal with it. I want to run down the field and take life head on. (Football analogy for my hubby)
So.... Today is a new day. I am now changing to the offense.
I am going to actively pursue what God wants instead of sitting back and just accepting "whatever".
*I got up and went to work out at the butt crack of dawn. Choosing to get up an hour and a half early is a great way for me to be proactive about my day. Instead of the alarm grabbing me by the head and throwing me to the floor each morning.
*Had my breakfast then had my quiet time. ( I even squeezed in this blogging time :-)
*I am doing a study on Psalms right now and this morning it was Psalm 19.

One part that stood out to me was:
7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right,

giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure,

enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.

One desire I have is that God will revive my soul & put His pure joy back in my heart. So when I read this I saw it as a promise. That if I will be faithful in my commitment to study His word then these are the things He will give me.

God Thank you for a new day. Thank you for the breath of life that you have breathed into us this morning. As we press forward please guide us and when we get weak please hold us up.


ocean mommy said...

I'm proud of you for tackling today head on. Hang in there, it's going to get better!

love you

Steven Latham said...

You inspire me. Thank you...

ocean mommy said...


Go check out my friend Kara's blog. She's mommy dot com in my link list. I think you'll be encouraged by her post today. (She's got 6 little ones..)

Hope you guys had a good visit..I'm sure we'll talk to you soon.

love you