Monday, March 30, 2009

One Year

On March 17th, 2008 I went back to work. And now on March 30th, 2009 I am finished. A year ago I blogged here about how I felt having to go back to work. I prayed that God would allow us to just breath. We were coming off of a crazy 2007 with my health and we were tired. Not knowing how or understanding why, we stepped out and I went back to work. Through many tear filled trips down the road the task at hand was completed.
Some might ask why it was so hard. It isn't like selling bibles is a tough job. It's not like the people I work with are mean. But I know without any doubt, that God called me to be at home with our children. It is what works for me, for our family. And I love it. Imagine if a brain surgeon was asked to be a taxi cab driver. Could he do it? Probably. Would he like it? Maybe for a time. But it his calling? Is is who call designed him to be? Nope. Square peg round hole.
My last year has been amazing. I can definitely see that God placed me in Lifeway for many reasons. Everyday is a new story. (My family is very tired of my everyday stories.) God has stretched my faith, patients, compassion, love for people, and much more.
I am so thankful for the past year. But I am far more thankful that TODAY has finally come.
Today was my last day as full-time (give or take some vacation time.) When I go back I will be a part-timer.
This past year I have constantly reflected on Max Lucado's statement: I choose joy... I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical... the tool of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings, created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God.

Thank you God for the past year. Thank you for all that it has taught me. And thank you for it being over. :-)

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

I know that you're glad that season is over. So proud of how you stuck it out. Welcome Home!