Titus 3:3-7 At one time we too were foolish...But when the kindness & love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth & renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tonight was a different story. Everyone says that it can be really easy to remove wallpaper or really hard. Well, guess which this one was??? REALLY HARD!! I finally just left and came home. I figured that my sanity was more important than a completed project. So tomorrow we will tackle it again.
Ok Ok enough about my boring wallpaper day. Let me tell you what else is going on in my life....
...thinking........ wait.......it will come to me.....
NOPE..... nothing. Wallpaper is the most exciting thing in my life right now. So maybe tomorrow I will have a better tale to tell. So for now, Good night and God willing I will have the opportunity to do this tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I am constantly reminded of how God always wants to take care of us, we just have to let him. I guess that is how I need to handle life's stress. It goes back to that cheesy saying "Let go and let God". But it really is true.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Blessed Be the Name!
As I sat around the house and de-stressed (translation: I threw up all of my emotions all over hubby!) I began to see the bigger picture. #1 Being transparent. Allowing people to see that no one is perfect. We all have bad days. I think that so many times we want to put on our fake face just so that people can think that life is always great. But the truth is we all yell, we all get stressed, we all question what in the world God is doing. I think that we do more damage by faking it than if we are just honest about life. #2 It is not about me. I am not perfect only God is. The more I pretend to be perfect the more it distracts from true perfection. I can fail and fail and fain BUT, I must continue to give glory for everything to the God who created everything.
One of my favorite worship songs is Blessed Be the Name. Part of the sang goes like this:
Every blessing you pour out,I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in,
Lord I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say Lord,
Blessed be your name.
God really used this song in me when we went though all of our church "stuff" last year. It seemed like I would cry every time we sang it. So today, though it was tough, I must say, Blessed be the name of God. Who gives us great days and helps us through the bad days. I pray that every blessing that He pours out to you, you can turn back the praise. And when darkness closes in still you can praise HIM.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Back Home
It was great to get out of the house, eat at my favorite restaurant (PF Changs) and shop! What more could a girl ask for?
Ikea here we come!

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Spring Has Sprung!!
As you can tell be the pictures..... we had some fun outdoors today!!! It is great to see how well all 4 kids play together. It was such nice weather that it was hard to get them to come in. As the little ones grow into being 2, they are wearing me out. I have never been around two kids with more energy. Our day ended with Bear falling off one of the front steps and getting a pretty nice cut over his eye. Thank the Lord it wasn't bad enough for the ER. After he quit crying Dad and the big girls went for a walk, and Bear decided he wanted to go with, so he went out the door, down the steps, and up the drive way (without us seeing him). Thank the Lord (again) That Steven was close enough to get to him before he got to the street. Sometimes I just don't know if we are going to survive!!! Boys are definitely a different breed than girls. I am just thankful that we were taught a lesson without something tragic happening. As I held him tonight before putting him to bed I cried, and prayed, and cried and prayed, thanking God for every single moment that He gives me with my children. Knowing that any day could be our last and each second is a gift.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Hunter Invasion
We had a blast. Each morning we would get up to watch the almost, 2 year olds have a WWF match. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3442648006163379315 and each night we would listen to them yell and play from their beds.
We met Daryl and Jenny when we all moved to FTW,TX on the same day. Our friendship bloomed over countless Thursday nights watching Survivor, CSI, and ER. After many, many moves and a handful of kids God has allowed us to remain great friends. You know the saying is "You can count your best friends on one hand" Well they take up two fingers.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Boy am I tired!
Wow! It has been a long couple of days. As most of you know, we are selling our house. That sentence alone should explain 99.9999% of it. It is a little rough keeping the house clean and then having to leave so that it can be shown to potential buyers. But God willing, it will sell sooner than later. Otherwise I am not sure that my sanity is going to hold out.
Yesterday we spent a while looking at furniture and appliances. Only to come home and look at them some more on the computer. When I lay down to go to sleep I dream in colors and appliances. My dreams go something like this....
Tan couch,click, brown couch, click, green couch tan pillows, click, same pillows different couch, click, click, side by side refrigerator, click, with crushed ice in the door, click, black refrigerator, click, click, glass top stove, click, with warming drawer, click,click, click, black refridgerator with micro suede green pillows and a glass top with the kids sitting on it doing home school while Pey Pey is yelling," Hold GEE mommy, Hold Gee! (translation: Please hold me mommy)" And Bear is throwing oranges across the kitchen and a realtor is at the door to show the house. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't I say something earlier about my sanity.
But...God is So Good!!!
We are so blessed to have all that we do. Another blog I read talked about how we say, " That's not fair". One of the things that we teach our children is "Life is NOT fair." After DH's recent trip to Guatemala, we were reminded again of how unfair life can be. The Guatemalan people are so financially poor. Living in homes that we would consider unfit for our dogs. I am sure that the Guatemalan people would look at us and say "That's not fair." I am sure that they would see us as emotionally, and spiritually impoverished people, and they would probably feel bad for us. So "Life is Not fair", but I am not sure to whom lives in the fairest conditions. Not to discount the hardships that a 3rd world country face, but just to make us aware. I hope that today you and I will take the time to be to be thankful. And that we will take the time out of our crazy day to serve someone and make a difference in their life. Being the hands and feet of Christ!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Moving Forward