Sunday, August 17, 2008

Breath of fresh Air!

This weekend has been so nice. I feel somewhat "normal" (whatever that is). Saturday I went out with my big girls and went yardsalin'. And yes, yardsalin' is a verb. The 3 of us have a blast when we get to do it. We get up at the butt crack of dawn and go on "the hunt". We ride all around town looking for good deals and laughing at everything. It is definitely a fun time to be had. We got home around 11 am or so and I was pooped.
Today hubby played in the band at church which meant he had to be there early, which in turn meant that I had to get the rest of us dressed and out the door without him. Normally this isn't a challenge but I was a little concerned with the whole surgery thing. But this morning was a breeze.
I love the church we are at. Each weekend I look forward to going and can say that I am truly excited to be a part. Without fail each Sunday I am punched in a different way, but in a good way. God really uses Lifepoint to feed my soul every Sunday. Today our pastor spoke about prayer. He said alot of great stuff, funny stuff, and relevant stuff. But all I heard was, "Hey, dummy, you don't pray enough." (No he didn't really say that, but that is what I heard in my head.) Wanna hear some good preachin' then here you go.
So this weekend was a breath of much needed fresh air. I am feeling good and my soul was fed.
God is good.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

"We get up at the butt crack...."

I have tears rolling down my face, I'm laughing so hard at this statement. You are the only person I know who says this and it cracks me up everytime.

Like your new look here. :)