Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Word of God Speak

So.... after a rough evening last night God decided He would smack me around this morning.

I decided last night to rant and rave about how it is unfair that DH can go and do, whatever, whenever he wants. Now, mind you, this is not the first time we have had this conversation. I have talked to him before about how he can just get up and go to the bathroom without so much as a 2nd thought. But me, oh no..... I have to make sure that the kids are being watched, no one has a sharp object, or worse, crayons. All the while trying to sneak up the stairs without being noticed or heard, or everyone breaks down crying. AND THAT IS JUST TO GO PEEE! He can choose to sleep in without it effecting anyone. He can tune it all out and never hear the thunder herd of elephants running down the stairs and twinkle twinkle being sung at the top of their lungs. But for me, I hear the little feet when they first step out of bed. I suppose this is JUST LIFE. It is the difference between men and women. But in my eyes .... IT IS JUST NOT FAIR!!!!

Until this morning. I got up went walking (this is my prayer time , not exercise. I walk far to slow for it to be considered a workout.) I came home to do my devotion and God met me with this:
My friend Amy really made an impression on me by one simple little thing she did recently for her husband. She had scheduled a hair appointment on the day Mike was off work. She didn’t tell him about the appointment; she just knew that he loves to be with his little girls and that he’d agree to be home while she went to her appointment.The day before, however, Mike said he was planning to go golfing with a friend on his day off. Now here’s where she impressed me! She simply said, “Sounds great! Have fun!” She didn’t even mention the hair appointment! She could have responded in so many different ways. She could have begrudgingly responded, “I have a hair appointment, but I’ll reschedule.” She could have dug in her heels and said, “No way. I already have plans, and I need you to watch the girls.” She could have complained about her lack of freedom, as she’s the mother to two little girls and her husband travels frequently.But she didn’t. Instead she responded selflessly. With her gracious response to her husband, she lived out Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves” (NAS).As Amy sows into her marriage godly principles such as selflessness instead of selfishness, she’s reaping the blessings of a unified, intimate, and joyful marriage. Let’s ask ourselves today: What attitudes and actions are we sowing into our own marriages? Here’s a few to consider: Respect or contempt? Thankfulness or complaining? Submission or rebellion? Gentleness or harshness? Patience or irritability? Forgiveness or unforgivness?If we’re experiencing strife or distance in our marriages, we need to ask God to show us if we might be reaping what we’re sowing. God will reveal to us any attitudes or actions which grieve Him. Then we can confess them and replace them with obedience to God’s principles for us as wives.

Can I just say one word? OUCH!!!! This devotion hit me square between the eyes. As much as I want to jump up and down yelling how it is unfair, that I have to put me behind everyone else, I can't! I want to be more than that, better than that. The bigger picture is a happy, unified family, and a joyful marriage. And that is so much bigger than getting to go pee by myself.

God definitely spoke to my heart today. I feel like each day He is showing me more and more about who I am called to be as a wife, mother, friend. Some days are easier to swallow than others. Putting others before ourselves is very hard. It is hard to not feel run over, over worked, under appreciated, used. So my prayer today is this: God give me a heart of giving. Allow me to give without consideration for myself. Help me to "do" because you did. Help me to serve because you called me to. God please guard my heart from Satan. Protect me from the selfishness that he tells me that I am entitled to. Thank you for Your word speaking to me.


ocean mommy said...

His word really is alive and active. I LOVE how HE gives us "each day our daily bread".

Jenny said...

Sounds like you are going through a real growing time. This topic is definitely one I struggle with as well. I think the hard part about following through with it is to do it without a bitter or a martyr's attitude. I don't know... my $0.02.