Sunday, March 30, 2008

DC 2008

We got to head out this morning and spend the day in my FAVORITE city! It was cold but we had a blast. The cherry blossoms were almost in full bloom and the kids were in great moods. (What more could I ask for?) Oh GREAT parking! Yep, we got that too. We were parked about a block from the base of the Washington Monument. We went with hopes of a picnic on the mall, but it was too cold. SO we settled for a "picnic" in the van. But the kids didn't seem to mind. Little Bear kept calling the Washington Monument the "Washing Sheen". It was too cute!

I couldn't ask for a better day off than to spend it with my 5 favorite people on the planet.

If you click on the last picture it will play as a movie!


ocean mommy said...

Those are great! And those eyes! Have me rolling...he is so funny.

brenna said...

I always love seeing pictures! It makes me feel like I was there. I'm glad you had a great time!!