Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Challenge for the year

Compassion Vs. Guilt ..... Why do we do what we do?

I believe that Compassion comes from your insides. It comes from the heart. I think some people were gifted with compassion while others have to work on it. I think that all Chirstians are called to be compassionate towards others.


I believe that guilt comes form the outside. From people/Satan making us feel bad for not doing something. I think that, like compassion, some people are gifted with it. Meaning, they have the gift of making everyone feel guilty. :-)

There have been a couple of situations recently that I have been very challenged with this concept. One is a mission trip and another is a person. I want to serve because God calls me to do so. I want to reach out and help because I can't imagine doing anything less. I want to be compelled to love without question, and to help without caution. I do not want to feel guilty if I don't help. I do not want to have my heart questioned because I didn't step up, again. I want to help because that is what God calls us to do.

So where is the line? How do you help, love, give, serve, without question, and not do it for the wrong reasons? Is there a wrong way to be helpful? I don't know.

God help me to always be compassionate. Help me to see with your eyes. Help me to love with you heart. Help me to always serve others, because I love you.

Great video

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

I think you have to ask the question Does God want me to go on this trip? Or Does God want me to get involved in this situation. Just because you're a minister's wife does not mean you have to go on every trip, or be in on the planning of every function.

Your first calling is to be Steven's wife and Mommy to your children. That doesn't mean that you won't go on a mission trip until the youngest is out of high school! But right now, your role in missions may be as prayer warrior.

Keep your focus on God and what He wants you to do. Be a follower of God, not a follower of man.

I learned a long time ago that anything I did out of guilt just made me and everyone around me miserable.