I was watching The Nativity Story the other night with Steven and the kiddos. We have seen it before and really enjoy it. This was the first time "the Littles" had seen it. It was neat to see them watch (seemingly) real pictures of Baby Jesus (instead of cartoon). Especially when Jesus is born. Pey says," I saw Baby Jesus' booty!" Because they hadn't seen it and it was a little over their head, I found myself commentating all the way through. As I told what was happening I found myself getting emotional as I told the story of our Savior.
When I was a child I accepted Christ as my Savior. I prayed the prayer, believed in my heart & got dunked in the water. I completely believe that I became a Christian when I was 6. I know there is always debate over salvation and children, but I know what I know and I know what I believe. The true issue was Lordship. At 6 I don't know that I understood or was taught what Lordship was. It wasn't until much later in my life that I began to grasp this.
I made alot of choices through middle school and high school that were evidence of my Lordship issues. As far as I was concerned, I was in control of my life. I was making the good and bad choices and I was reaping what I sowed. (Do you see the theme? I I I I I I I I)
I was driving down the road one day I realized how badly my life was crumbling. I was a single mom with 2 kids, I had made so many bad choices that I couldn't see straight, and I was on the verge of loosing one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me.
I stood at a crossroad. The Promised Land being one path and 40 years in the desert being the other path. I felt like God was saying to me....."I'm done. I have given you many chances to make me Lord and you have chosen poorly. This is your last chance." God had given me 2 beautiful girls, a family to support me, and a man who loved me in a way I didn't deserve. God was laying the Promised Land in front me, a life full of blessing and I just needed to make Him Lord and step into it.
I sat on the side of the road weeping. I finally got it. Salvation wasn't only about saving me from Hell it was also about saving me from self. Salvation was about letting God rescue me instead of me rescuing myself. Salvation was about Him being in control NOT me.
As I sat watching The Nativity Story I thought about all that I went through because of my choices. I thought about how much God loves me that He was willing to fight for me. I watched this little baby on the TV and was reminded that He came so that I/we could have life. And not a crappy life and ABUNDANT life. John 10:10
What does Christmas mean to you? For me it represents a time to remember and reflect on the greatness of God. A time to say "Thank You" to the God of the universe who loved us enough to become human so that we can have eternity with Him. As I sit quietly beside my beautiful Christmas tree I imagine the bitter life that I could have had. I probably could have written a book called The Hopeless Life of a Strong Willed Child :-) But instead my life is filled with a hope and a future. A future that I live day by day by the grace of God.
That is what Christmas means to me.
Titus 3:3-7 At one time we too were foolish...But when the kindness & love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth & renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Pep Rally
Yesterday was another wonderful day at Lifepoint. One of my favorite things about our church is the opportunities that I have to be a part of something bigger than myself. I love serving! I love working with people! And most important to me; I love pointing people/children toward Jesus!
At Lifepoint, being a volunteer is HUGE. Without our volunteers Sunday morning wouldn't happen. It is because of the 300+ volunteers that it all happens the way it does. When you sit back and watch teams of Lifepointers interact with everyone who enters the building you can SEE why they do it. You can SEE how it fuels them and why they come back to do it all again the next week. I know that is how I feel. I can prepare and plan all week for Sunday. But it isn't until Sunday when the littlest of the Lifepointers comes bouncing into Dive; that it is ALL validated. It is the tiny smile on the face of a child who is finally able to let go of mom and come to me without crying. It is the parent who finds relief in handing over their child to someone that they have come to trust. It is comfort I find in knowing that God loved me so much, so I can love them the same way.
The point of this blog wasn't to say why I love volunteering. The point was to tell you about the lesson I learned yesterday. I love serving God, my church , Kidspoint and supporting my husband so much that sometimes I get trapped. Now, mind you...I get trapped in my own cage of expectancy that I created and locked myself. No one can take credit for this one except me. :-(
Yesterday I was able to slip away and attend a church service. It amazes me how many volunteers (across churches) give up going to church to serve. I think it is partly because of their heart, but I think it is partly because they have created their own cage....and locked it!!! I know that in many churches (especially young churches) schedules are often hard to fill. Sometimes churches grow so fast it is hard to keep up with it, with volunteers. But sometimes it is simply because you don't ask and you don't go! You don't ask for help. And you don't go if you do get the help. The lesson I learned yesterday was how important going to church is. There is the DUH reasons for going to church, but I discovered the "PEP Rally" reason.
Let me ask this : Why do schools do pep rallies?
*To get everyone pepped up.
*To get everyone ready for the big game.
*To feel apart of a team.
*So that everyone can see that it isn't just the players on the field that are in the game.
*So everyone can hoot and holler for ONE purpose.
Well that is what I got out of church. Yes, I heard the word of God. Yes, I worshiped (and it was pretty awesome!) But even more than that....
*I got excited and pepped up.
*I am ready for what ever is next.
*I felt a part of the a HUGE team.
*It was nice to see everyone together.
*It was great to see that I don't play the game alone.
*Everyone together for One purpose!
Talk about fueling your tank!!!!
So volunteers....GO TO CHURCH!!!!
If you don't volunteer...... start. Be apart of something bigger than you.
.....but don't forget to go to church.
At Lifepoint, being a volunteer is HUGE. Without our volunteers Sunday morning wouldn't happen. It is because of the 300+ volunteers that it all happens the way it does. When you sit back and watch teams of Lifepointers interact with everyone who enters the building you can SEE why they do it. You can SEE how it fuels them and why they come back to do it all again the next week. I know that is how I feel. I can prepare and plan all week for Sunday. But it isn't until Sunday when the littlest of the Lifepointers comes bouncing into Dive; that it is ALL validated. It is the tiny smile on the face of a child who is finally able to let go of mom and come to me without crying. It is the parent who finds relief in handing over their child to someone that they have come to trust. It is comfort I find in knowing that God loved me so much, so I can love them the same way.
The point of this blog wasn't to say why I love volunteering. The point was to tell you about the lesson I learned yesterday. I love serving God, my church , Kidspoint and supporting my husband so much that sometimes I get trapped. Now, mind you...I get trapped in my own cage of expectancy that I created and locked myself. No one can take credit for this one except me. :-(
Yesterday I was able to slip away and attend a church service. It amazes me how many volunteers (across churches) give up going to church to serve. I think it is partly because of their heart, but I think it is partly because they have created their own cage....and locked it!!! I know that in many churches (especially young churches) schedules are often hard to fill. Sometimes churches grow so fast it is hard to keep up with it, with volunteers. But sometimes it is simply because you don't ask and you don't go! You don't ask for help. And you don't go if you do get the help. The lesson I learned yesterday was how important going to church is. There is the DUH reasons for going to church, but I discovered the "PEP Rally" reason.
Let me ask this : Why do schools do pep rallies?
*To get everyone pepped up.
*To get everyone ready for the big game.
*To feel apart of a team.
*So that everyone can see that it isn't just the players on the field that are in the game.
*So everyone can hoot and holler for ONE purpose.
Well that is what I got out of church. Yes, I heard the word of God. Yes, I worshiped (and it was pretty awesome!) But even more than that....
*I got excited and pepped up.
*I am ready for what ever is next.
*I felt a part of the a HUGE team.
*It was nice to see everyone together.
*It was great to see that I don't play the game alone.
*Everyone together for One purpose!
Talk about fueling your tank!!!!
So volunteers....GO TO CHURCH!!!!
If you don't volunteer...... start. Be apart of something bigger than you.
.....but don't forget to go to church.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I want them to be Warriors
I have almost completed my Esther study I have one week left. This past week touched on a number of different things but one stood boldly off the page.
One of the hardest parts of being a mother or a mentor is watching our children face a battle we can't fight for them. If God is going to raise our children to be mighty warriors of the faith, He must be free to teach them to fight. As hard as the process can be to watch, how can a person experience the exhilaration of victory in a battle they never had to fight?
When I read that the first time it stopped me in my tracks. I want them to be warriors. I don't want passive, lazy, apathetic children. I want them to FIGHT!I want them to fight for a God and faith that fought for them.
I often question, how much "parenting" is too much ...or not enough? I question when do I step in or do I let them work it out on their own? I am never quite sure. I quickly see that I need to pray more and speak less. Allowing God to show me where to act and where to be silent.
But this lesson brought my life into full view. In a matter of seconds I saw all of the major life trials I have had, and the amazing victories I have been able to experience because of them. If I had someone to fight those battles for me, I would never be the person I am. Or have the strength for the trials still yet to come.
God I pray that our children will be mighty warriors of the faith. I pray that the trials they experience will be amazing avenues to God sized victories. I pray that they will fight honorably and serve graciously. God help them to find strength in only you. And give us the wisdom to know when to speak and what to say.
One of the hardest parts of being a mother or a mentor is watching our children face a battle we can't fight for them. If God is going to raise our children to be mighty warriors of the faith, He must be free to teach them to fight. As hard as the process can be to watch, how can a person experience the exhilaration of victory in a battle they never had to fight?
When I read that the first time it stopped me in my tracks. I want them to be warriors. I don't want passive, lazy, apathetic children. I want them to FIGHT!I want them to fight for a God and faith that fought for them.
I often question, how much "parenting" is too much ...or not enough? I question when do I step in or do I let them work it out on their own? I am never quite sure. I quickly see that I need to pray more and speak less. Allowing God to show me where to act and where to be silent.
But this lesson brought my life into full view. In a matter of seconds I saw all of the major life trials I have had, and the amazing victories I have been able to experience because of them. If I had someone to fight those battles for me, I would never be the person I am. Or have the strength for the trials still yet to come.
God I pray that our children will be mighty warriors of the faith. I pray that the trials they experience will be amazing avenues to God sized victories. I pray that they will fight honorably and serve graciously. God help them to find strength in only you. And give us the wisdom to know when to speak and what to say.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Part 6
Today Lifepoint Baptized 16 people
1st service, Pastor announced that the church as a whole has committed over 2.4 MILLION!!!
2nd service, Pastor announced that the church as a whole has committed over 2.5 Million!!!
People committed $$$ between first and second service. Isn't that cool??? God is so Good. I can't wait to see what is next.
1st service, Pastor announced that the church as a whole has committed over 2.4 MILLION!!!
2nd service, Pastor announced that the church as a whole has committed over 2.5 Million!!!
People committed $$$ between first and second service. Isn't that cool??? God is so Good. I can't wait to see what is next.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Part 5
The night of worship and commitment for staff served as some of the beginning steps to Accelerate. Our Pastor has said often "Leaders Go First". So the staff was to lead the way. This was extremely exciting for us, but also very humbling and a little scary.
In my head there is a little soap box (ok it is not soooooo little) from it I constantly scream "LEAD OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I have major leadership issues. (That sounds worse than I mean it.) I have no problem following a leader or sometimes even being a leader... BUT if you are going to BE a leader then DO IT WELL!!! I guess that is why I said it is exciting, humbling and a little scary. I knew what God was calling the staff to do.
A week later the "Leadership" of the church (about 100 people) were brought together for a night of worship and commitment. Same concept as before just on a larger scale. The staff had been asked to "Go first" and now the Leadership was being asked to "Go First".
The night was full of stories, music, and our Pastor reading Joshua 3:14-17.
We were all asked to step out into the Jordan and have faith that the waters would part. We were asked to carry the Ark and lead the way. What an amazing night!!!
It ended with the church leadership laying there commitments on an alter.
The goal in all of this has been about changing hearts and growing faith. We don't have a specific building we want to buy, land we want to build on, big box we want to build out, we simply want to be obedient.
Of course there is also a dollar dream ;-) and We set our sights high! The goal is 1.5 million. There are skeptics.... they say:"Too high", "Your church is too young", "They'll never commit to that".
On November 3rd the leadership was asked to step out and trust that God would part the water. And on November 3rd......He did. The leadership committed close to 1.6 million dollars!! Re-read what the original goal was...1.5 million for the entire church. That was the dream and now God had blown that out of the water. The rest of the church hadn't yet had the opportunity to step out and God had already given us more than we asked.
November 15th was set as the day that Lifepoint could either step out or step off. They could either step out on the dry land or step off the cliff of faithlessness. The total has not been announced...that is this upcoming Sunday and I can't wait until this Sunday to see the fruits of the faithful. God is so good!!!!
Stay tuned for part 6 "The Grand Total"
In my head there is a little soap box (ok it is not soooooo little) from it I constantly scream "LEAD OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" I have major leadership issues. (That sounds worse than I mean it.) I have no problem following a leader or sometimes even being a leader... BUT if you are going to BE a leader then DO IT WELL!!! I guess that is why I said it is exciting, humbling and a little scary. I knew what God was calling the staff to do.
A week later the "Leadership" of the church (about 100 people) were brought together for a night of worship and commitment. Same concept as before just on a larger scale. The staff had been asked to "Go first" and now the Leadership was being asked to "Go First".
The night was full of stories, music, and our Pastor reading Joshua 3:14-17.
We were all asked to step out into the Jordan and have faith that the waters would part. We were asked to carry the Ark and lead the way. What an amazing night!!!
It ended with the church leadership laying there commitments on an alter.
The goal in all of this has been about changing hearts and growing faith. We don't have a specific building we want to buy, land we want to build on, big box we want to build out, we simply want to be obedient.
Of course there is also a dollar dream ;-) and We set our sights high! The goal is 1.5 million. There are skeptics.... they say:"Too high", "Your church is too young", "They'll never commit to that".
On November 3rd the leadership was asked to step out and trust that God would part the water. And on November 3rd......He did. The leadership committed close to 1.6 million dollars!! Re-read what the original goal was...1.5 million for the entire church. That was the dream and now God had blown that out of the water. The rest of the church hadn't yet had the opportunity to step out and God had already given us more than we asked.
November 15th was set as the day that Lifepoint could either step out or step off. They could either step out on the dry land or step off the cliff of faithlessness. The total has not been announced...that is this upcoming Sunday and I can't wait until this Sunday to see the fruits of the faithful. God is so good!!!!
Stay tuned for part 6 "The Grand Total"
Monday, November 16, 2009
New Journey- 4
Ok so my "more tomorrow" actually meant three days :-)
The story continues.....
After my phone call from the corporate headquarters we completed our vacation and went home. We had alot on our plate when we got back. The BIGGEST was a new project the church was beginning called Accelerate. (Go read about it all so I don't have to type it all :-)
The short version... The Accelerate project is a brief moment in the history of Lifepoint that will change its future forever. God has called Lifepoint to reach this region. We believe that through this project God will accelerate our impact on this community by putting us in a position to at last find a permanent facility. Through Accelerate, God will stretch us, grow us, and move us to a new level of faith and anticipation! (copied from the website)
When we came home from vacation, the first step (for us) in this project was a staff commitment night. This was a time with all of the staff and spouses got together for dinner, a time of worship, and a time of commitment. Deciding on what our financial commitment to this project was NOT easy.
We already live paycheck to paycheck (barely/hardly) and I just lost my job. Steven and I had talked.....and talked....and talked. We looked at our budget. And then talked some more. We prayed. And then talked some more. We just couldn't see the "how" in giving more than our tithe. After alot more talking and praying we finally came up with an amount.
A couple of days later we had our Staff Night. We had an amazing time of worship that ended with us giving financially..... what only God could provide.
The next day....
I got a voice mail from my old store manager asking if we could talk. Let me be very transparent for a moment....... I figured that the corporate office had called him and told him he needed to call and apologize to me. But ... I never expected what I got.
I got a long heart felt conversation and a sincere apology. I hate writing that because it leads one to believe that I DIDN'T expect "a long heart felt conversation and sincere apology". But truth is I didn't expect anything. In the end.................. He offered me my job back and I accepted.
As I look back over this part of the story I am amazed. God moved a mountain!
I kind of feel like my life is a snow globe. (imagine for a minute) There was this pretty little scene ** A nice little job. A nice way to give to the project. Easy.
THEN God shook it! **I couldn't see clearly. I didn't know what we would do to make ends meet. And I Really didn't know what to do to be able to give to the project. But we stepped out and trusted.
Even though we couldn't see the scene clearly..... we knew who held the globe. And as soon as we said, "We trust you.... even though we can't understand it all and it looks like a big mess.....we trust you God." Then as quickly as He shook it....It all begins to settle and there is a new scene. One that is covered with Christ and a Faith that has been transformed.
Will God shake our globe again?
-I am sure of it
Will it be easy?
Do I hope for it?
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Part 5 tomorrow :-)
The story continues.....
After my phone call from the corporate headquarters we completed our vacation and went home. We had alot on our plate when we got back. The BIGGEST was a new project the church was beginning called Accelerate. (Go read about it all so I don't have to type it all :-)
The short version... The Accelerate project is a brief moment in the history of Lifepoint that will change its future forever. God has called Lifepoint to reach this region. We believe that through this project God will accelerate our impact on this community by putting us in a position to at last find a permanent facility. Through Accelerate, God will stretch us, grow us, and move us to a new level of faith and anticipation! (copied from the website)
When we came home from vacation, the first step (for us) in this project was a staff commitment night. This was a time with all of the staff and spouses got together for dinner, a time of worship, and a time of commitment. Deciding on what our financial commitment to this project was NOT easy.
We already live paycheck to paycheck (barely/hardly) and I just lost my job. Steven and I had talked.....and talked....and talked. We looked at our budget. And then talked some more. We prayed. And then talked some more. We just couldn't see the "how" in giving more than our tithe. After alot more talking and praying we finally came up with an amount.
A couple of days later we had our Staff Night. We had an amazing time of worship that ended with us giving financially..... what only God could provide.
The next day....
I got a voice mail from my old store manager asking if we could talk. Let me be very transparent for a moment....... I figured that the corporate office had called him and told him he needed to call and apologize to me. But ... I never expected what I got.
I got a long heart felt conversation and a sincere apology. I hate writing that because it leads one to believe that I DIDN'T expect "a long heart felt conversation and sincere apology". But truth is I didn't expect anything. In the end.................. He offered me my job back and I accepted.
As I look back over this part of the story I am amazed. God moved a mountain!
I kind of feel like my life is a snow globe. (imagine for a minute) There was this pretty little scene ** A nice little job. A nice way to give to the project. Easy.
THEN God shook it! **I couldn't see clearly. I didn't know what we would do to make ends meet. And I Really didn't know what to do to be able to give to the project. But we stepped out and trusted.
Even though we couldn't see the scene clearly..... we knew who held the globe. And as soon as we said, "We trust you.... even though we can't understand it all and it looks like a big mess.....we trust you God." Then as quickly as He shook it....It all begins to settle and there is a new scene. One that is covered with Christ and a Faith that has been transformed.
Will God shake our globe again?
-I am sure of it
Will it be easy?
Do I hope for it?
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Part 5 tomorrow :-)
Friday, November 13, 2009
A New Journey -3
After I left on the Monday I did nothing. I simply went home with my emotions and moved on with my week. The week included alot of business for the funeral of our friend's sister, but other than that....nothing abnormal. At some point during the week as I thought everything out I made a decision to write a letter to the headquarters of my job. With great wisdom, my Hubby told me to sleep on it.....for a WEEK. :-) He normally tells me to sleep on things, because he knows that I am a reactionary person. I ended up sending it to 3 people in the company in the early part of the next week. All three people, were people that would hopefully read the letter and hear my heart. The letter talked about the story that had happened and it spoke of the true meaning of ministry, what that means to me, and ultimately what that should mean to them.
Then my family left to go on vacation. We went to see my mom and step-dad in Tn, my brother and his family in Ga., and then some dear friends of our in Ky. It was a much needed break from all of the chaos of the previous weeks.
In the latter part of the trip I got a call from the corporate offices in Nashville. They received my letter!!
I talked for over an hour about my side of the story and how I felt about it all. When the conversation was over, I felt like my goal was accomplished. I never wanted anything bad, or wanted my job back, I just wanted to be heard and understood.
more tomorrow on what God did next......I will leave you with some pictures from our trip.




















After I left on the Monday I did nothing. I simply went home with my emotions and moved on with my week. The week included alot of business for the funeral of our friend's sister, but other than that....nothing abnormal. At some point during the week as I thought everything out I made a decision to write a letter to the headquarters of my job. With great wisdom, my Hubby told me to sleep on it.....for a WEEK. :-) He normally tells me to sleep on things, because he knows that I am a reactionary person. I ended up sending it to 3 people in the company in the early part of the next week. All three people, were people that would hopefully read the letter and hear my heart. The letter talked about the story that had happened and it spoke of the true meaning of ministry, what that means to me, and ultimately what that should mean to them.
Then my family left to go on vacation. We went to see my mom and step-dad in Tn, my brother and his family in Ga., and then some dear friends of our in Ky. It was a much needed break from all of the chaos of the previous weeks.
In the latter part of the trip I got a call from the corporate offices in Nashville. They received my letter!!
I talked for over an hour about my side of the story and how I felt about it all. When the conversation was over, I felt like my goal was accomplished. I never wanted anything bad, or wanted my job back, I just wanted to be heard and understood.
more tomorrow on what God did next......I will leave you with some pictures from our trip.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A New Journey -2
Story continues.......
I didn't know that while I was helping our friend through the loss of her sister, that a storm was brewing. (figuratively of course) On that Friday I was supposed to work in the evening. I had called my assistant manager and talked to her about finding coverage so that I could be with our friend. She stepped in and came to my rescue in huge way by quickly letting me know that she would take care of it all.
I have worked retail off and on for almost 15 years. (I can't believe how old that makes me sound)I have worked for tons of managers, assistant managers, district managers etc. and I can count on one hand the number of times I have had someone do, what she did, for me. I was amazed and so grateful. She later told me, "I wanted to minister to you so that you could minister to your friend."
I went on with my day doing what ever we needed to help this family with their loss. Once I came home, I discovered that things had blown up at my job. My assistant manager explained the situation to my store manager and.....let's just say he didn't take it the same way she did :-( He was pretty upset with the overtime that I was going to cost the store and with my lack of fulfilling my obligations.
I was told that the afternoon also included a nasty conversation between my Hubby and the store manager. My hubby called the store to explain all that I was going through with this family. He also explained my responsibility and duty to the ministry life we live.
When I finally came home I heard the whole story. WOW!!!! I couldn't believe that something that seemed like it was going so good, could turn out so bad. I wasn't sure how to respond. At the core I felt like I was being told (by my job) that I should have chosen them over ministry.
That Monday morning I went to the store to talk about all that had happened that weekend. I prayed alot before I went in to meet with him. I prayed that God would control my emotions and my reactions. I prayed for peace and wisdom over my words. **Side note** I don't have many PASSIONS in my life. But the few I do have are VERY important to me. If you step on them or challenge them I have a tendency to react.....loudly! :-)***** That being said, I know my self. And I am very passionate about the ministry life that we have been called to. I call it an honor and I do not take it lightly. So I needed to pray peace over my reactions :-)
I told my manager when I went into the meeting, that I had written my 2 week notice. I explained that I needed to do that , so I could be completely honest with my feelings. In the end if he needed to accept my 2 week notice, then fine. If we could work past it all, then great! But if I knew that He could fire me because of what I said....then I knew I couldn't tell him completely how I felt. I needed to be able to "empty the bucket".
I went on to tell him all of how I felt that weekend. God definitely had his hand on me. I said everything I needed to say with completely control. I never raised my voice and I did "emptied the bucket".
I struck a nerve with some of the things that I said. The conversation ended with my notice left on the table.
As I left the store that day, I realized how much I liked my job (I had known how much I needed my job). But, I knew I had done the right thing. I knew that ministry was supposed to come first that day. I knew that I needed to go talk to my store manager and tell him completely how I felt. And all I could do was trust that God would honor my choices.
more tomorrow!
ps. I have thought long and hard about telling this part of the story. Knowing that people in or around the store could and would read it. But I want you to see the full picture of what God has done and if you don't understand the "valleys" you can appreciate the "mountains".
**Spoiler Alert**
I end up back at my job :-)
I didn't know that while I was helping our friend through the loss of her sister, that a storm was brewing. (figuratively of course) On that Friday I was supposed to work in the evening. I had called my assistant manager and talked to her about finding coverage so that I could be with our friend. She stepped in and came to my rescue in huge way by quickly letting me know that she would take care of it all.
I have worked retail off and on for almost 15 years. (I can't believe how old that makes me sound)I have worked for tons of managers, assistant managers, district managers etc. and I can count on one hand the number of times I have had someone do, what she did, for me. I was amazed and so grateful. She later told me, "I wanted to minister to you so that you could minister to your friend."
I went on with my day doing what ever we needed to help this family with their loss. Once I came home, I discovered that things had blown up at my job. My assistant manager explained the situation to my store manager and.....let's just say he didn't take it the same way she did :-( He was pretty upset with the overtime that I was going to cost the store and with my lack of fulfilling my obligations.
I was told that the afternoon also included a nasty conversation between my Hubby and the store manager. My hubby called the store to explain all that I was going through with this family. He also explained my responsibility and duty to the ministry life we live.
When I finally came home I heard the whole story. WOW!!!! I couldn't believe that something that seemed like it was going so good, could turn out so bad. I wasn't sure how to respond. At the core I felt like I was being told (by my job) that I should have chosen them over ministry.
That Monday morning I went to the store to talk about all that had happened that weekend. I prayed alot before I went in to meet with him. I prayed that God would control my emotions and my reactions. I prayed for peace and wisdom over my words. **Side note** I don't have many PASSIONS in my life. But the few I do have are VERY important to me. If you step on them or challenge them I have a tendency to react.....loudly! :-)***** That being said, I know my self. And I am very passionate about the ministry life that we have been called to. I call it an honor and I do not take it lightly. So I needed to pray peace over my reactions :-)
I told my manager when I went into the meeting, that I had written my 2 week notice. I explained that I needed to do that , so I could be completely honest with my feelings. In the end if he needed to accept my 2 week notice, then fine. If we could work past it all, then great! But if I knew that He could fire me because of what I said....then I knew I couldn't tell him completely how I felt. I needed to be able to "empty the bucket".
I went on to tell him all of how I felt that weekend. God definitely had his hand on me. I said everything I needed to say with completely control. I never raised my voice and I did "emptied the bucket".
I struck a nerve with some of the things that I said. The conversation ended with my notice left on the table.
As I left the store that day, I realized how much I liked my job (I had known how much I needed my job). But, I knew I had done the right thing. I knew that ministry was supposed to come first that day. I knew that I needed to go talk to my store manager and tell him completely how I felt. And all I could do was trust that God would honor my choices.
more tomorrow!
ps. I have thought long and hard about telling this part of the story. Knowing that people in or around the store could and would read it. But I want you to see the full picture of what God has done and if you don't understand the "valleys" you can appreciate the "mountains".
**Spoiler Alert**
I end up back at my job :-)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A New Journey -1
A have hesitated for a while about sharing this story, simply because it involves alot of people. I am always cautious to write about other people because sometimes people can get offended by silly things. :-) So as I write this story I do so cautiously. I pray that if you are someone in the story, you will be flattered that I wrote about you and enjoy that you are a part of MY story and a journey that God has graciously allowed me to travel.
A couple of months ago I sat down and wrote a blog that I couldn't publish. I just desperately needed to write down how I was feeling. I have now come to realize that the events that led up to that blog, were only the first steps of an amazing adventure that is only beginning.
Here is that blog:
Yesterday morning I woke to my alarm. My first thoughts were, "God I know I need to get up...but I can't. Please help!" Struggling to get out of bed, I heard my phone buzzing in the other room. I quickly learned that a friend in our life group had lost her sister in the night. In the next hours our Pastor's wife and I would sit beside a grieving 23 year old and her family. Her 21 year old sister died in a car accident during the night. I won't try for even a moment to imagine the grief and loss that this family is feeling right now. I won't express "hallmark phrases" to try and ease or understand their pain. Because I know that I can't.
As Tammy (our Pastor's wife) and I drove to her apartment we were praying for her. I prayed that God would wrap is arms around her and that she would feel his peace and love. I prayed for wisdom and strength for the family is they walked this unimaginably hard road. Both Tammy and I knew that our job over the coming hours would be to love and to listen. We didn't need BIG answers or the "right" words, we knew that God would take care of that. We sat with our friend for a while and God showed himself in incredible ways. Our friend talked about her sister and her life. But then she said something that has profoundly impacted me....she said,"I know that my sister is sitting with Papa (the Shack reference), Jesus is sitting beside me, and the Holy spirit is inside holding me up. She talked about how God has been showing her of a relationship that she can have with him like the one of Papa and Mack in the Shack. She said," And now I know why, He knew that I would need him to sit on the bed with me today." She said that this morning she felt like she could feel Jesus, with his arms wrapped around her, holding her.
Last night as I laid in my bed I was so overwhelmed with the goodness of God. I was overwhelmed with the sacrifice that people have made in order to bless others.
A day has passed and we have seen people from all corners of our church and other churches come together to embrace them. We have seen God move mountains with broken relationships. And we pray that the lost might be reached through this tragedy.
You know how you can see your breath outside when it starts to get cold? I imagine that the events of the past days are what it looks like when God breathes.
My heart is overwhelmed again as I re-read what I wrote on that day. I think I will stop and continue writing tomorrow. As I think back over that unbelievable day in September I see that Heidi's death was a catalyst that started a chain of events in my life that has forever changed my faith. The amazing thing is I have never met her. One day I know I will be able to hug her and tell her Thank You.
Phil 1:6
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
A couple of months ago I sat down and wrote a blog that I couldn't publish. I just desperately needed to write down how I was feeling. I have now come to realize that the events that led up to that blog, were only the first steps of an amazing adventure that is only beginning.
Here is that blog:
Yesterday morning I woke to my alarm. My first thoughts were, "God I know I need to get up...but I can't. Please help!" Struggling to get out of bed, I heard my phone buzzing in the other room. I quickly learned that a friend in our life group had lost her sister in the night. In the next hours our Pastor's wife and I would sit beside a grieving 23 year old and her family. Her 21 year old sister died in a car accident during the night. I won't try for even a moment to imagine the grief and loss that this family is feeling right now. I won't express "hallmark phrases" to try and ease or understand their pain. Because I know that I can't.
As Tammy (our Pastor's wife) and I drove to her apartment we were praying for her. I prayed that God would wrap is arms around her and that she would feel his peace and love. I prayed for wisdom and strength for the family is they walked this unimaginably hard road. Both Tammy and I knew that our job over the coming hours would be to love and to listen. We didn't need BIG answers or the "right" words, we knew that God would take care of that. We sat with our friend for a while and God showed himself in incredible ways. Our friend talked about her sister and her life. But then she said something that has profoundly impacted me....she said,"I know that my sister is sitting with Papa (the Shack reference), Jesus is sitting beside me, and the Holy spirit is inside holding me up. She talked about how God has been showing her of a relationship that she can have with him like the one of Papa and Mack in the Shack. She said," And now I know why, He knew that I would need him to sit on the bed with me today." She said that this morning she felt like she could feel Jesus, with his arms wrapped around her, holding her.
Last night as I laid in my bed I was so overwhelmed with the goodness of God. I was overwhelmed with the sacrifice that people have made in order to bless others.
A day has passed and we have seen people from all corners of our church and other churches come together to embrace them. We have seen God move mountains with broken relationships. And we pray that the lost might be reached through this tragedy.
You know how you can see your breath outside when it starts to get cold? I imagine that the events of the past days are what it looks like when God breathes.
My heart is overwhelmed again as I re-read what I wrote on that day. I think I will stop and continue writing tomorrow. As I think back over that unbelievable day in September I see that Heidi's death was a catalyst that started a chain of events in my life that has forever changed my faith. The amazing thing is I have never met her. One day I know I will be able to hug her and tell her Thank You.
Phil 1:6
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Last night our Pastor read Hebrews 11 to our church leadership. I have written a part of it below.
1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
2 Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.
3 By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.
(It goes on to list the Faith Hall of Fame. I pick back up in verse 37)
37 Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half,s and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated.
38 They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground.
39 All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised.
40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us.
Faith. It is an honor to walk this faith road with the people of Lifepoint.
God I pray as we walk this road that you will find us faithful. I pray for the lives that have been changed because of what you are doing through Lifepoint. But I also pray for the lives that WILL be changed because of what you will do in the future.
1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
2 Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.
3 By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.
(It goes on to list the Faith Hall of Fame. I pick back up in verse 37)
37 Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half,s and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated.
38 They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground.
39 All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised.
40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us.
Faith. It is an honor to walk this faith road with the people of Lifepoint.
God I pray as we walk this road that you will find us faithful. I pray for the lives that have been changed because of what you are doing through Lifepoint. But I also pray for the lives that WILL be changed because of what you will do in the future.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lamentations 3:22-24
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
24 I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!"
Thank you God for your new mercies every morning. Thank you for my inheritance and hope in you. May my day be full of opportunities to show you shining through me.
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
24 I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!"
Thank you God for your new mercies every morning. Thank you for my inheritance and hope in you. May my day be full of opportunities to show you shining through me.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My beautiful baby girls turn 13 today!!! I can't believe it has been 13 years since God gave them to me. Our family has traveled down so many roads in 13 years. Many states, jobs, homes, schools,friends,churches. Many changes and few constants. But the few constants that we have had have proved to be the MOST important. God and family. I am so thankful for the many adventures that we have been on and I am even more thankful that we have gotten to do it together. Baily and Shelby have gone from being these bouncey little girls to these beautiful,spunky, young ladies. We laugh together and cry together. But most importantly....We do life together.
Thank you God for allowing me to mother Baily and Shelby. I pray that they grow into women that point people toward you. I pray that they are women of influence, women of peace, and women of honor. I pray that they use everything you have given them, to honor you and bring people to you.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Been so busy with traveling and life. I feel like it has been so long since I blogged. I miss writing. I miss hashing out the thoughts in my head. I will do better!
I am on week 4 of the Beth Moore Esther study. Each week has caused me to reflect on the past troubles or stories that our family or I have gone through. Honestly....I find that none really apply to me RIGHT NOW. All have been great weeks and I find so much joy in reflecting and remembering how God has shown himself through so many situations.
This week was about fear. I feel like I have struggled with fear for a very long time. Fear of abandonment, fear of death, fear of children dying, fear fear fear. I have blogged about different fears on numerous occasions. As I have learned to recognize my fears, I have also learned to deal with them. Giving them to God and trusting that no matter what....even if my worst fears come true.....then He is still in control and everything that happens is about His love for us.
In last night's study Beth Moore talked about playing out your worst fear. And then she asked "Then what?" If your worst fear happens, then what?
Point: No matter what happens.... eventually you will get up and move on. As hard as that seems....we eventually will move on.
So that got me to thinking about my worst fear. Realizing that if I have a "worst fear" then I give the enemy something to use.
1 John 4:18
"For Such love has no fear...." Thank you God that you love us in such a way that we have nothing to fear. Thank you for giving us the chance to love others in the same way that you love us. Thank you for taking my fears and turning them into opportunities to see you work.
I am on week 4 of the Beth Moore Esther study. Each week has caused me to reflect on the past troubles or stories that our family or I have gone through. Honestly....I find that none really apply to me RIGHT NOW. All have been great weeks and I find so much joy in reflecting and remembering how God has shown himself through so many situations.
This week was about fear. I feel like I have struggled with fear for a very long time. Fear of abandonment, fear of death, fear of children dying, fear fear fear. I have blogged about different fears on numerous occasions. As I have learned to recognize my fears, I have also learned to deal with them. Giving them to God and trusting that no matter what....even if my worst fears come true.....then He is still in control and everything that happens is about His love for us.
In last night's study Beth Moore talked about playing out your worst fear. And then she asked "Then what?" If your worst fear happens, then what?
Point: No matter what happens.... eventually you will get up and move on. As hard as that seems....we eventually will move on.
So that got me to thinking about my worst fear. Realizing that if I have a "worst fear" then I give the enemy something to use.
1 John 4:18
"For Such love has no fear...." Thank you God that you love us in such a way that we have nothing to fear. Thank you for giving us the chance to love others in the same way that you love us. Thank you for taking my fears and turning them into opportunities to see you work.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Cup
My trip to Turkey was not only 5 days long.... I have just misplaced my written journals. When I find them I will cont. my trip. :-)
I thought I would share a funny from my car today. It should give you a glimpse into my insane life.
Barron: Hey Peyton.... your a cup
(Baily, who is in the front seat beside me, looks at me confused and then giggles)
Barron: Your a cup! Your a cup! Your a cup!
Peyton: Barron, that isn't nice. You shouldn't say things that aren't nice.
Barron: I am nice and your a cup.
Peyton: (with tears) Mom, Barron is being mean and calling me bad things.
Me: (silent....can't say anything for fear of laughing)
Peyton: (crying louder now) MOM!!! He is being mean.
Me: Laughing and shaking (you know the kind of laughter you do when you are in church and you CAN'T laugh)
Barron: Baily, Shelby, Peyton.....Cups cups cups. You are all cups. Cups cups cups.
Baily and Shelby: (in unison) Hey! That's rude.
Me: Still shaking in laughter! (and in my head I think) REALLY! Are they REALLY all offended because they were just called cups. At this point I can't figure out what is funnier; the fact that his choice insult is to call his sisters a cup; or that they are all offended by it.
ME: Ok Barron.. we only call people by their real names. Anything else is rude. (Good job mom! Stand your ground.)
Barron: Mom, Your a cup!
I thought I would share a funny from my car today. It should give you a glimpse into my insane life.
Barron: Hey Peyton.... your a cup
(Baily, who is in the front seat beside me, looks at me confused and then giggles)
Barron: Your a cup! Your a cup! Your a cup!
Peyton: Barron, that isn't nice. You shouldn't say things that aren't nice.
Barron: I am nice and your a cup.
Peyton: (with tears) Mom, Barron is being mean and calling me bad things.
Me: (silent....can't say anything for fear of laughing)
Peyton: (crying louder now) MOM!!! He is being mean.
Me: Laughing and shaking (you know the kind of laughter you do when you are in church and you CAN'T laugh)
Barron: Baily, Shelby, Peyton.....Cups cups cups. You are all cups. Cups cups cups.
Baily and Shelby: (in unison) Hey! That's rude.
Me: Still shaking in laughter! (and in my head I think) REALLY! Are they REALLY all offended because they were just called cups. At this point I can't figure out what is funnier; the fact that his choice insult is to call his sisters a cup; or that they are all offended by it.
ME: Ok Barron.. we only call people by their real names. Anything else is rude. (Good job mom! Stand your ground.)
Barron: Mom, Your a cup!
Friday, September 11, 2009
As I climbed out of bed this morning, the excitement of the date energized me. My favorite times of the year, are birthdays in our house. It is a day that is filled with fun and celebration meant only to honor that person (or set of persons :-) I love it. I sat down at the computer to write all about the Birthday in the house and turned on Facebook. I quickly remembered what today means to alot of other people.
September 11th is a day that most remember with great sorrow. The day of the tragedy I remember laying in bed and our phone began to ring. Steven had taken the day off to celebrate his 25th Birthday. My dad called and told us to turn on the TV. We watched, with the rest of the world, a country be turned upside down. I remember the silence in our room. I remember the confusion of the reporters. I remember questioning if I was afraid or not. I remember being thankful that my family was together, because many were not.
On that September 11th, I remember one thing that moved us forward was Steven's birthday. It would have been easier to sit in the bed and watch the planes crash over and over, than to go out and celebrate. But we went out anyway. I am sure there are many times that Steven has wished 9/11 wouldn't have happened on his birthday. But I am thankful. Thankful that on such a grim day.....we have a reason...a person, to celebrate.
Happy Birthday to my best friend.
You are:
Sweeter than....a s'more so yummy and hot
Funnier than....a joke on a Popsicle stick
Kinder than....a grandma in a nursing home who can kick your butt playing shuffleboard
Gentler than....a cute little poodle who wants to come home to our house to be your wife's Christmas present.
A better husband than....I could have dreamed
Faster than.... all of the other typist in the competition
Happier than....A cute little poodle that just got adpoted by us
Nicer than..... Me :-)
I love you honey. You are my Knight in shining armor. You are sanity in my INsanity. You truly are a gift to me, to our family, to everyone around you. And I thank God for you every day.
September 11th is a day that most remember with great sorrow. The day of the tragedy I remember laying in bed and our phone began to ring. Steven had taken the day off to celebrate his 25th Birthday. My dad called and told us to turn on the TV. We watched, with the rest of the world, a country be turned upside down. I remember the silence in our room. I remember the confusion of the reporters. I remember questioning if I was afraid or not. I remember being thankful that my family was together, because many were not.
On that September 11th, I remember one thing that moved us forward was Steven's birthday. It would have been easier to sit in the bed and watch the planes crash over and over, than to go out and celebrate. But we went out anyway. I am sure there are many times that Steven has wished 9/11 wouldn't have happened on his birthday. But I am thankful. Thankful that on such a grim day.....we have a reason...a person, to celebrate.
Happy Birthday to my best friend.
You are:
Sweeter than....a s'more so yummy and hot
Funnier than....a joke on a Popsicle stick
Kinder than....a grandma in a nursing home who can kick your butt playing shuffleboard
Gentler than....a cute little poodle who wants to come home to our house to be your wife's Christmas present.
A better husband than....I could have dreamed
Faster than.... all of the other typist in the competition
Happier than....A cute little poodle that just got adpoted by us
Nicer than..... Me :-)
I love you honey. You are my Knight in shining armor. You are sanity in my INsanity. You truly are a gift to me, to our family, to everyone around you. And I thank God for you every day.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I was reading a blog this morning about Blurry Vision it took me to Matthew 6:22-23. Great blog about the focus of our life/ministry.
But then I kept reading... and God took me somewhere else.
I went on to read Matthew 6: 28-32. (The Message)
28 All this time and money wasted on fashion—do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop,29 but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.30 “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?31 What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving.32 People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.
It gave me a different picture of the scriptures. One I have never seen or thought. I guess it caught me by surprise when I think about all of the time and money that is spent on Primping.
When is it too much? When is it insulting to God? At what point does "taking car eof ourselves" become primping? Where do we draw the line? (Honestly until reading this I never knew there was a line.)
Just something to think about.
But then I kept reading... and God took me somewhere else.
I went on to read Matthew 6: 28-32. (The Message)
28 All this time and money wasted on fashion—do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop,29 but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.30 “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?31 What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving.32 People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.
It gave me a different picture of the scriptures. One I have never seen or thought. I guess it caught me by surprise when I think about all of the time and money that is spent on Primping.
When is it too much? When is it insulting to God? At what point does "taking car eof ourselves" become primping? Where do we draw the line? (Honestly until reading this I never knew there was a line.)
Just something to think about.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Family Night -"Family"
When I am asked about the reason behind family night my answer is simple- Intentional Time Together. I recently had a conversation with Hubby about the amount of time we have, or we don't have. We talked about the hectic pace our family is running at right now. (And I have to say....It is a fun pace!) We love all that is going on around us right now. We love all that is happening at church and in our lives. God is so good. And He is SO faithful. All that we prayed for a year ago and so much more has now been dumped on our heads. :-) Great friends, great church, great small group, great ministries, etc, etc and if we aren't careful and intentional we are going to blink and we will have missed so much. One thing that I REFUSE to "miss" is family time. I can't control the freak speed of things that are going on around our lives, but I can control the speed in my house.


And then the big girls, me, and Hubby all sat down for the second part of the night. We sent the little guys to bed and then big people in the family (which now includes B and S :-O ) sat down for some goal setting. We thought that if we are REALLY going to be intentional then we need some goals. So we set out on a mission to set some personal goals and family goals. Hubby and I did it right along with the girls. My goals included anything from getting volunteering locally to giving up Mt. Dew :-(. BUT.....
I won't lie. Setting goals was VERY difficult for the girls. I don't know if it was because we have never done it before, because they are 12 and full of emotion, if PMS was visiting, heck it could have been because something I did a month ago. I don't know???? But after a bit of struggle, a couple of shed tears, some stomping off, and growling at me......we accomplished the task at hand. We have family goals set for anything from a day trip to DC to organizing family devotion time.


All in all it was a great night. Next step will be for hubby and I to talk through all of the goals and prioritize them. We may even cut a couple, considering one of them included getting a dog.
But one thing is for sure we will be working together to accomplish things as a family. God gave us our family and we intend to use it to point to him. Forgetting, neglecting, ignoring each other will NOT accomplish that.
God we pray that our goals always match your plans for our lives. We pray that you will guide us and give us wisdom as we live for you and guide our family to do the same. Thank you for the gift of family that you have given us. I pray that we NEVER take it for granted.
This family night was about FAMILY.
We painted family pictures with finger paint. (ok parents when was the last time YOU painted with finger paint?)
And then the big girls, me, and Hubby all sat down for the second part of the night. We sent the little guys to bed and then big people in the family (which now includes B and S :-O ) sat down for some goal setting. We thought that if we are REALLY going to be intentional then we need some goals. So we set out on a mission to set some personal goals and family goals. Hubby and I did it right along with the girls. My goals included anything from getting volunteering locally to giving up Mt. Dew :-(. BUT.....
I won't lie. Setting goals was VERY difficult for the girls. I don't know if it was because we have never done it before, because they are 12 and full of emotion, if PMS was visiting, heck it could have been because something I did a month ago. I don't know???? But after a bit of struggle, a couple of shed tears, some stomping off, and growling at me......we accomplished the task at hand. We have family goals set for anything from a day trip to DC to organizing family devotion time.
All in all it was a great night. Next step will be for hubby and I to talk through all of the goals and prioritize them. We may even cut a couple, considering one of them included getting a dog.
But one thing is for sure we will be working together to accomplish things as a family. God gave us our family and we intend to use it to point to him. Forgetting, neglecting, ignoring each other will NOT accomplish that.
God we pray that our goals always match your plans for our lives. We pray that you will guide us and give us wisdom as we live for you and guide our family to do the same. Thank you for the gift of family that you have given us. I pray that we NEVER take it for granted.
Jeremiah 29:11-12
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Turkey Day5
Today it finally all caught up to us. We are all exhausted......but.......IT's MOVIE NIGHT!!!! We intentionally set this up so that we could have a break. Break for the kids from us and a break from the norm. The older kids are watching one movie and the little ones are watching another.
Not much to write because I am to exhausted to think!
Good night!
Not much to write because I am to exhausted to think!
Good night!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Turkey Day4
Short Day today. (As far as with the kids) We spent the morning at the conference and then the afternoon was out sightseeing.
One of my favorites for the morning was little Maggie Prayed," Dear God, thank you for EVERYTHING! Thank you that I'm gonna get bigger and go in the big class (AKA:where the adults/parents were) and I don't have to be in the little class anymore. Amen."

One of my favorites for the morning was little Maggie Prayed," Dear God, thank you for EVERYTHING! Thank you that I'm gonna get bigger and go in the big class (AKA:where the adults/parents were) and I don't have to be in the little class anymore. Amen."
~What am I supposed to say to that.....apparently we have a way with children.~
After lunch and a couple of downloads from the guys (sorry for the bathroom humor)..... We headed off to Ankara to enjoy an afternoon out. We drove into town....well actually... Nat drove, honked, flashed lights and waved at people, all the way to into downtown. I must say that my prayer life was refreshed after that little adventure. We went to a mosque. It was huge. Compare it to the National Cathedral. The huge, beautiful building with amazing architecture, paintings, hand made rugs, chandelier made of gold, etc. etc. It is in the capitol city of Ankara, at the center of the city. It was obvious that it was a land mark that the city was very proud of. A symbol of the culture and sadly a symbol of the heart of the city. Big, beautiful, and empty.


After lunch and a couple of downloads from the guys (sorry for the bathroom humor)..... We headed off to Ankara to enjoy an afternoon out. We drove into town....well actually... Nat drove, honked, flashed lights and waved at people, all the way to into downtown. I must say that my prayer life was refreshed after that little adventure. We went to a mosque. It was huge. Compare it to the National Cathedral. The huge, beautiful building with amazing architecture, paintings, hand made rugs, chandelier made of gold, etc. etc. It is in the capitol city of Ankara, at the center of the city. It was obvious that it was a land mark that the city was very proud of. A symbol of the culture and sadly a symbol of the heart of the city. Big, beautiful, and empty.
We went into a mall/market to SHOP!! YAY!!! I love to shop. We wondered around and got some neat little things and then Ame had to pee....AGAIN.....
*side note* Ame has a bladder the size of a pea. (no pun intended) She has to pee every 10-15 minutes (slightly exaggerated....she has to pee every 16-20 minutes) She definitely could have made good use of a "go- girl". In fact a "go- girl" was a constant joke while we were there. My only regret is that we didn't buy any. Next time....Next time.
~Sorry back to my story~
So Ame had to pee again and Abbi graciously showed her the restrooms (Granted we could smell them a mile away) and then she showed her where to pay! Yep. You had to pay. Now this good ole southern girl has never had to pay to go pee. But if I did pay to pee I would expect some grand and glorious experience. Like someone to powder and fluff my butt afterwards. Or gold plated seats that are sprinkled with pixie dust. But NO these were squatty potties. No glory. Nothing grand. Just squat.
Thank God I held my pee! :-)
After that we went to a castle. Talk about a room with a view! It was amazing. While we were on top the call to prayer went out. It was amazing to stand up there looking out over this incredible city and hear this. It is a sound I will never forget (I pray). A sound to remind us to pray...for the Turkish people.





After leaving there we walked down and did more shopping :-) Bags,socks, and scarves. It was fantastic!
From there we went to eat some dinner. We had the best Kebobs. (not to be confused with Kabobs. Kabobs are Americans bad attempt to create something that tastes as good as a Kebob :-)
Then Abbi had to pick up some that was "just down a hill" from the restaurant. I think (even though she speaks English) "just down the hill" means something different in
Turkey :-). In our search we had some great conversation (ok in between huffing and puffing but it was still great conversation) Today I saw real life in Turkey. I also learned that Abby definitely fits my profile of a lifelong friend:
-Out of town
-Someone who "gets me"
(My lifelong friends are a short list of people that God has placed at different points in my life at just the right time. I guess we have moved enough that all of those friends now are out of town. :-)
After many laughs, some ice cream and a prayerful ride home (thanks Nat)...It is bedtime.


Ä°yi uykular
*side note* Ame has a bladder the size of a pea. (no pun intended) She has to pee every 10-15 minutes (slightly exaggerated....she has to pee every 16-20 minutes) She definitely could have made good use of a "go- girl". In fact a "go- girl" was a constant joke while we were there. My only regret is that we didn't buy any. Next time....Next time.
~Sorry back to my story~
So Ame had to pee again and Abbi graciously showed her the restrooms (Granted we could smell them a mile away) and then she showed her where to pay! Yep. You had to pay. Now this good ole southern girl has never had to pay to go pee. But if I did pay to pee I would expect some grand and glorious experience. Like someone to powder and fluff my butt afterwards. Or gold plated seats that are sprinkled with pixie dust. But NO these were squatty potties. No glory. Nothing grand. Just squat.
Thank God I held my pee! :-)
After that we went to a castle. Talk about a room with a view! It was amazing. While we were on top the call to prayer went out. It was amazing to stand up there looking out over this incredible city and hear this. It is a sound I will never forget (I pray). A sound to remind us to pray...for the Turkish people.
From there we went to eat some dinner. We had the best Kebobs. (not to be confused with Kabobs. Kabobs are Americans bad attempt to create something that tastes as good as a Kebob :-)
Then Abbi had to pick up some that was "just down a hill" from the restaurant. I think (even though she speaks English) "just down the hill" means something different in
Turkey :-). In our search we had some great conversation (ok in between huffing and puffing but it was still great conversation) Today I saw real life in Turkey. I also learned that Abby definitely fits my profile of a lifelong friend:
-Out of town
-Someone who "gets me"
(My lifelong friends are a short list of people that God has placed at different points in my life at just the right time. I guess we have moved enough that all of those friends now are out of town. :-)
After many laughs, some ice cream and a prayerful ride home (thanks Nat)...It is bedtime.
Ä°yi uykular
Sunday, August 16, 2009
There is no lion in the street, you are LAZY!
I love when I open my devotion and bible to read something completely unexpected. I am thankful today for God giving my soemthing to put in my "thought bank" that I will cash in on later. :-)
My devotion today was on Proverbs 22:13 It was about 2 different things.
#1 Was about laziness.
#2 Was about tricks our mind can play on us.
Proverbs talk about the Lazy man and how he "thinks" he sees a lion outside. But the truth is that his mind has played a trick on him. "The truth is held hostage by the unrighteous commitments of the heart. The unrighteous heart then employs the mind to distract and deceive."~ Piper
John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the Light.
Piper goes on to say "Doing the evil we love makes us hostile to the light of truth which will expose the evil and rob us of its fleeting pleasures. In this condition the mind becomes a factory of half-truths, equivocations, sophistries,evasions and lies." (Deep)
Do Evil that we love.
Become hostile toward truth that would have exposed evil.
Then our mind begins its tricks.
We lie to ourselves.
We lie to others.
We probably try to lie to God.
All of this because you were lazy! You sat in your sin and enjoyed it. You became content with it. The truth that there is NOT a lion outside has been held hostage in you mind. Because of your were doing evil and have now become hostile towards the Light and truth.
And now you think there is a lion outside. Fear has set in. And you are in bondage.
As I read and write this morning so much has gone through my head. I have such a strong emotion when it comes to dishonesty. I HATE IT!
But I feel like God has placed a scrolling sign in my mind that keeps saying, "The truth is held hostage by the unrighteous commitments of the heart."
God please help me to be compassionate. When I don't understand, help me to look only to you. God thank you for stretching me this morning. God help me to not be Lazy!
My devotion today was on Proverbs 22:13 It was about 2 different things.
#1 Was about laziness.
#2 Was about tricks our mind can play on us.
Proverbs talk about the Lazy man and how he "thinks" he sees a lion outside. But the truth is that his mind has played a trick on him. "The truth is held hostage by the unrighteous commitments of the heart. The unrighteous heart then employs the mind to distract and deceive."~ Piper
John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the Light.
Piper goes on to say "Doing the evil we love makes us hostile to the light of truth which will expose the evil and rob us of its fleeting pleasures. In this condition the mind becomes a factory of half-truths, equivocations, sophistries,evasions and lies." (Deep)
Do Evil that we love.
Become hostile toward truth that would have exposed evil.
Then our mind begins its tricks.
We lie to ourselves.
We lie to others.
We probably try to lie to God.
All of this because you were lazy! You sat in your sin and enjoyed it. You became content with it. The truth that there is NOT a lion outside has been held hostage in you mind. Because of your were doing evil and have now become hostile towards the Light and truth.
And now you think there is a lion outside. Fear has set in. And you are in bondage.
As I read and write this morning so much has gone through my head. I have such a strong emotion when it comes to dishonesty. I HATE IT!
But I feel like God has placed a scrolling sign in my mind that keeps saying, "The truth is held hostage by the unrighteous commitments of the heart."
God please help me to be compassionate. When I don't understand, help me to look only to you. God thank you for stretching me this morning. God help me to not be Lazy!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Today my devotion was about Job. Now anytime I read Job I always come away feeling pretty silly. I am always humbled at the picture of suffering that is painted. My trials and troubles are NOTHING in comparison. So as I read it I just shake my head in amazement. But today was a little different I read only a little bit of Job, Job 5:8-10 and then I readout of my devotion book: Taste and See~ Piper It spoke of how amazing the RAIN is. The sheer miracle that is preformed every time a single drop hits the Earth. You can read it here.
All I can say is WOW! I think that all to often we miss God because we are so distracted by the seemingly mundane. Too often I have woke in the morning and said," Aww. It's raining today." or "Yuck it is a nasty rainy day today."
God, Thank you for the rain. For the miracle that is preformed in each drop that waters your Earth. Thank you for Job and the new lesson I have learned today. Thank you for opening my eyes through your word.
All I can say is WOW! I think that all to often we miss God because we are so distracted by the seemingly mundane. Too often I have woke in the morning and said," Aww. It's raining today." or "Yuck it is a nasty rainy day today."
God, Thank you for the rain. For the miracle that is preformed in each drop that waters your Earth. Thank you for Job and the new lesson I have learned today. Thank you for opening my eyes through your word.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Turkey Day3
Today has been a neat day. Full of building new relationships. Some of the High Schoolers (Sara and Tim) were teaching some of our guys (Mike and Chunky) some Turkish. Mike wanted to know how to say good morning. So they graciously (note the sarcasm) gave him a lesson. Except the words that they taught him meant "My feet stink". It was great for a laugh.
Mike and Chucky have been so neat about wanting to embrace the culture. Every time we go to order food somewhere Chucky always says ,"I want whatever is the most Turkish." Now some might call this brave, others might call it stupid. But one thing I can say is he is willing. Examples of things he ate/drank: Ayran ~ ÅŸalgam ~ and our FAVORITE Pide
Tonight we has an amazing conversation with a worker here. He shared his story over a cup of Turkish coffee. We were told there is a saying,"A single cup of Turkish coffee will be remembered for 40 years." There were many amazing things that he said (too many to ever write out). The one that stands out the most to me is: What are you willing to do for the cause of Christ? What would you be willing to do to win 1 person to Jesus?
I think it is easy to say, "Of course I would do ANYTHING." But we all know that isn't true. But Jesus was willing to do anything.
Tonight we have been challenged in a way that I pray I never forget. I pray that I never loose sight of Brad's passion and love for his country, his family, and God.
Tonight I also got to talk to all 4 of my babies. I miss them so much. My heart sighed relief when I got to talk to them. But being here makes me see how engulfed in MY life I am. God please keep moving and changing my heart. Stretching me so that I see no boundaries and no walls.
Good Night Turkey.
Tonight I also got to talk to all 4 of my babies. I miss them so much. My heart sighed relief when I got to talk to them. But being here makes me see how engulfed in MY life I am. God please keep moving and changing my heart. Stretching me so that I see no boundaries and no walls.
Good Night Turkey.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Turkey Day2
Day 2
Feeling a little better today. Not near as tired as yesterday. I slept like a baby last night (thanks to exhaustion and Ambian :-) After eating lunch together as a team we geared up to meet our kids.
PDF (Pastor Daniel Floyd) and I are working with birth-6year olds. We have been told that there is a "children's" room. Anything will be better than a lobby, a the edge of a pool, a hotel room, etc. So I was a little excited! We discovered that our room is WAY down stairs, around a corner, through locker rooms, down a dark hallway, and TA-DA there sat kids room. Though a little out of the way it was perfect. (Maybe the Turkish people have something figured out about putting kids that far away from everyone else.)
After meeting our kids, we dove right into playing games.
We even resorted to placing stickers on our heads. We called them "Happy" stickers because they make you HAPPY when you put them on.
See how it made this child happy :-)

After lots of fun and lots of stickers we headed outside to play and do our story time. PDF sat and told a bible story about Jesus healing. One theme of the week was "I believe that Jesus can do anything." It was incredible to see the kids really latch on to the theme. I pray that God will use this week to build a foundation of faith in these little people lives.
Funny Moments for the day
*PDF played a game outside with the kids called the "see who blinks first game" the looser had to stand on his head.

Turkish custom is TEA. And it is everywhere. They drink tea before dinner and after dinner. I am not a huge Tea fan. In fact I don't like it. I decided that if it would be rude to NOT drink tea then I would drink tea (after all...when in Turkey). But we discovered that Chucky, loves tea. I am not sure if he loves tea in general or Turkish tea. I think that by the end of the day he has had at least 15+ cups.

The other funny moment of the day was a Turkish hotel employee was crazy about a dog puppet I have. It looks like a sheep dog, and to the unknowing it kind of looks real. He ended up coming to me and "trying" to ask if he could take it to scare a fellow employee. The FUNNY part was me (The Tennessean that I am) trying to communicate back and forth to a non-English speaking Turk about the puppet.
A great day! The kids are incredible. But I have found that they are just like ours (I am not sure what I expected though). They love to play, love to laugh, and love to sing. The only difference is that sometimes they get there English and Turkish mixed up.
The families that we have the honor of working with are amazing. In different ways some of them give a unique taste of home. It is amazing to hear the different stories and roads that they have travel to get to Turkey. I can't wait to hear others.
Until tomorrow.
Feeling a little better today. Not near as tired as yesterday. I slept like a baby last night (thanks to exhaustion and Ambian :-) After eating lunch together as a team we geared up to meet our kids.
PDF (Pastor Daniel Floyd) and I are working with birth-6year olds. We have been told that there is a "children's" room. Anything will be better than a lobby, a the edge of a pool, a hotel room, etc. So I was a little excited! We discovered that our room is WAY down stairs, around a corner, through locker rooms, down a dark hallway, and TA-DA there sat kids room. Though a little out of the way it was perfect. (Maybe the Turkish people have something figured out about putting kids that far away from everyone else.)
After meeting our kids, we dove right into playing games.
See how it made this child happy :-)
After lots of fun and lots of stickers we headed outside to play and do our story time. PDF sat and told a bible story about Jesus healing. One theme of the week was "I believe that Jesus can do anything." It was incredible to see the kids really latch on to the theme. I pray that God will use this week to build a foundation of faith in these little people lives.
Funny Moments for the day
*PDF played a game outside with the kids called the "see who blinks first game" the looser had to stand on his head.
Turkish custom is TEA. And it is everywhere. They drink tea before dinner and after dinner. I am not a huge Tea fan. In fact I don't like it. I decided that if it would be rude to NOT drink tea then I would drink tea (after all...when in Turkey). But we discovered that Chucky, loves tea. I am not sure if he loves tea in general or Turkish tea. I think that by the end of the day he has had at least 15+ cups.
The other funny moment of the day was a Turkish hotel employee was crazy about a dog puppet I have. It looks like a sheep dog, and to the unknowing it kind of looks real. He ended up coming to me and "trying" to ask if he could take it to scare a fellow employee. The FUNNY part was me (The Tennessean that I am) trying to communicate back and forth to a non-English speaking Turk about the puppet.
A great day! The kids are incredible. But I have found that they are just like ours (I am not sure what I expected though). They love to play, love to laugh, and love to sing. The only difference is that sometimes they get there English and Turkish mixed up.
The families that we have the honor of working with are amazing. In different ways some of them give a unique taste of home. It is amazing to hear the different stories and roads that they have travel to get to Turkey. I can't wait to hear others.
Until tomorrow.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Turkey Day1
So finally I am sitting down to blog about my Turkey experience. The next days will all be journal entries from my time there. Some days I missed because of travel or exhaustion. I can only pray that as you read through my thoughts, you will in some way be touched by the unbelievable experience we had.
The first thing that comes to mind today is EXHAUSTION!!!! We started our journey at 2pm yesterday. Drove to the airport and boarded an 8pm flight to Munich, Germany. Landed in Munich around 4am only to turn and change planes to head for Ankara. We finally landed in Ankara around 8am. There we met our new friends. A wonderful couple that our church has privilege of supporting. We rode to the hotel with Nabby (as I will affectionately call them) but the girls were in her car the guys were in his. I guess "when in Rome...." (or Turkey) The afternoon has been spent getting to the place we will spend the week and settling in a bit.

The first thing that comes to mind today is EXHAUSTION!!!! We started our journey at 2pm yesterday. Drove to the airport and boarded an 8pm flight to Munich, Germany. Landed in Munich around 4am only to turn and change planes to head for Ankara. We finally landed in Ankara around 8am. There we met our new friends. A wonderful couple that our church has privilege of supporting. We rode to the hotel with Nabby (as I will affectionately call them) but the girls were in her car the guys were in his. I guess "when in Rome...." (or Turkey) The afternoon has been spent getting to the place we will spend the week and settling in a bit.
This was the view from our window!!
So was this :-)
Thoughts from Day1~
* Beautiful Country
*Turkish people like their Tea and Cigarettes
*There are Mosques on every corner it seems.
*The team I am with....WOW!! They are the weirdest people ever. Kidding....they are definitely the funniest.
*I MISS my kids soooooo much.
*I wish the my Big girls could have come. (maybe next time)
*Pray Hard!!
After a very long day it is 9:45pm Turkey time (2:45pm est) and I can't hold my head up. Good night!
* Beautiful Country
*Turkish people like their Tea and Cigarettes
*There are Mosques on every corner it seems.
*The team I am with....WOW!! They are the weirdest people ever. Kidding....they are definitely the funniest.
*I MISS my kids soooooo much.
*I wish the my Big girls could have come. (maybe next time)
*Pray Hard!!
After a very long day it is 9:45pm Turkey time (2:45pm est) and I can't hold my head up. Good night!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Funnies from Turkey
Here are some videos that were made in Turkey. I am blogging these because they have been requested. :-) I have some serious ones too...... but for now I will just do the funnies.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
WHEW! It has been a crazy couple of weeks.
Tons of driving, Tons of Flying, Tons of memories!
I am still trying to pull it all together since the trip to Turkey. Jet lag is brutal. I am also trying to digest everything that went on while we were there. The good thing is that I journaled the entire time. So over the next days I will be blogging my journal. :-)
I definitely have come away from Turkey with some HUGE emotions. I am in such awe of the Christians in the country. They are loyal, loving, passionate, warm, and so much more. In a country that is cold, dark, hopeless, and blind. They plant seeds of hope and love in a ground without water. Their determination and drive can only be powered by a loving God who wants to see Turkey turn back to Him.
To our friends in the beautiful land of Turkey:
Thank you! For loving a country with the love of Christ. And for teaching us to do the same.
We pray your protection on our friends. Please hold them close. May they feel your loving arms around them when they are scared, tired, lonely, or hurting. God, please carry their burdens in a way that can only point to you. Thank you for allowing us these new friendships. I pray that you will bless our relationships. I pray that we will be allowed to be our brother's keeper. And for Turkey.... God send your rain. As the seeds are being planted God allow the Turkish people to thirst for no one but you. May they find life in You the Living Water. God raise up workers for the harvest! Because we know it is coming. And we thank you for that day. Give us peace that your timing is perfect. Thank you for your love and for the many ways that you show it.
Tons of driving, Tons of Flying, Tons of memories!
I am still trying to pull it all together since the trip to Turkey. Jet lag is brutal. I am also trying to digest everything that went on while we were there. The good thing is that I journaled the entire time. So over the next days I will be blogging my journal. :-)
I definitely have come away from Turkey with some HUGE emotions. I am in such awe of the Christians in the country. They are loyal, loving, passionate, warm, and so much more. In a country that is cold, dark, hopeless, and blind. They plant seeds of hope and love in a ground without water. Their determination and drive can only be powered by a loving God who wants to see Turkey turn back to Him.
To our friends in the beautiful land of Turkey:
Thank you! For loving a country with the love of Christ. And for teaching us to do the same.
We pray your protection on our friends. Please hold them close. May they feel your loving arms around them when they are scared, tired, lonely, or hurting. God, please carry their burdens in a way that can only point to you. Thank you for allowing us these new friendships. I pray that you will bless our relationships. I pray that we will be allowed to be our brother's keeper. And for Turkey.... God send your rain. As the seeds are being planted God allow the Turkish people to thirst for no one but you. May they find life in You the Living Water. God raise up workers for the harvest! Because we know it is coming. And we thank you for that day. Give us peace that your timing is perfect. Thank you for your love and for the many ways that you show it.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Drive Time
Yesterday I drove half way to Georgia to hand the kiddos off to my brother. 5 hours down there with screaming, excited kids. 5 hours back with silence (well actually I listened to talk radio for about 2 hours :-) Strangely, I love the quiet time. It became a time to think and get prepared for us to leave for Turkey.
As I drove down the road listening to MY music my favorite song came on Hope Now. I have listened to this song a million times, but yesterday I heard it differently. The first lines of the song are:
If everything comes down to love,
then what am I afraid of.
That was it. Those words have forever changed me.
If I truly believe that God loves me and I truly believe that He is in control of everything, then what the heck do I have to fear? There was the huge release of anxiety and fear as I thought through this.
I let go of my fears and focused on the simple idea of God loving me (us). Through death, pain, joy, and gladness...He loves me. And no matter what could happen or one day will happen, His love does not change.
If everything comes down to love
Then just what am I afraid of
When I call out Your name
Something inside awakes in my soul
How quickly I forget I'm Yours
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life.
Thank you Jesus, for giving us hope in a hopeless world. Thank you for giving me the time yesterday to remember that I am yours. Thank you for awaking my soul and for carrying my burdens. I pray for your protection on us as we travel today. Help us to carry your love to a part of the world that is so dark. Thank you for loving away our fears and for giving purpose to life. I pray for protection on the families that we all leave here in the states. I pray that they feel you hands holding them tight and comforting them as we are away. Thank you for the breath of life you have given us today and the opportunity to live the adventure you created.
As I drove down the road listening to MY music my favorite song came on Hope Now. I have listened to this song a million times, but yesterday I heard it differently. The first lines of the song are:
If everything comes down to love,
then what am I afraid of.
That was it. Those words have forever changed me.
If I truly believe that God loves me and I truly believe that He is in control of everything, then what the heck do I have to fear? There was the huge release of anxiety and fear as I thought through this.
I let go of my fears and focused on the simple idea of God loving me (us). Through death, pain, joy, and gladness...He loves me. And no matter what could happen or one day will happen, His love does not change.
If everything comes down to love
Then just what am I afraid of
When I call out Your name
Something inside awakes in my soul
How quickly I forget I'm Yours
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life.
Thank you Jesus, for giving us hope in a hopeless world. Thank you for giving me the time yesterday to remember that I am yours. Thank you for awaking my soul and for carrying my burdens. I pray for your protection on us as we travel today. Help us to carry your love to a part of the world that is so dark. Thank you for loving away our fears and for giving purpose to life. I pray for protection on the families that we all leave here in the states. I pray that they feel you hands holding them tight and comforting them as we are away. Thank you for the breath of life you have given us today and the opportunity to live the adventure you created.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
48 hours
SO in less than 48 hours we will be on a plane to Turkey. My children will be safely tucked away at my brothers house, my hubby will be safely tucked away beside me on a plane, and I will be............... a basket case. :-O
Just kidding....kind of.
Well, the truth is... I am already a basket case. Trying with each step to hold it together. As I packed our van tonight with all of the kids suitcases I had to fight back the tears. Telling my self ,"Focus, hold it together, there is too much to do, don't loose it now, you can do it!"
My mommy heart is heavy. Heavy because I can't stand being away from my kids. Heavy because each moment that I miss is a moment that is gone forever. Each silly joke that Barron tells, each infectious smile the Peyton shares, each smirk that Shelby tries not show, and each laugh that Baily warms us with, means something to me. And to miss any of those is hard.
My ministry heart is SO Excited!!! Excited to step out on an adventure that has been placed in front of us by a gracious God. An opportunity to pour out ourselves and serve a group of people who are on the front lines in Turkey. A group of Christians in a country with over 70 million people and 99% of them are Muslim.
I know that God had given me excitement for the trip,so that I will allow Him to carry the burdens I have for my children.
Prayers as we go:
Pray for safe travel.
Pray for safety while we are there.
Pray for our health.
Pray for our time there, that it will be fruitful.
Pray that we will be able to give 100% of ourselves in service to these people who live 100% of their lives in service to our God.
Pray for our energy (especially around Thursday, b/c I am sure we will be wearing down by then.)
Pray that the Starbucks has white mocha :-)
Pray that my heart will be comforted as I leave my babies. (all 4 of them)
I don't think I can blog while I am there, but if I can I will. Other wise I will be journaling, so that I can blog it all when I come back. Thank you all for all of your prayers and support.
Much Love!
Thank you all for your support.
Just kidding....kind of.
Well, the truth is... I am already a basket case. Trying with each step to hold it together. As I packed our van tonight with all of the kids suitcases I had to fight back the tears. Telling my self ,"Focus, hold it together, there is too much to do, don't loose it now, you can do it!"
My mommy heart is heavy. Heavy because I can't stand being away from my kids. Heavy because each moment that I miss is a moment that is gone forever. Each silly joke that Barron tells, each infectious smile the Peyton shares, each smirk that Shelby tries not show, and each laugh that Baily warms us with, means something to me. And to miss any of those is hard.
My ministry heart is SO Excited!!! Excited to step out on an adventure that has been placed in front of us by a gracious God. An opportunity to pour out ourselves and serve a group of people who are on the front lines in Turkey. A group of Christians in a country with over 70 million people and 99% of them are Muslim.
I know that God had given me excitement for the trip,so that I will allow Him to carry the burdens I have for my children.
Prayers as we go:
Pray for safe travel.
Pray for safety while we are there.
Pray for our health.
Pray for our time there, that it will be fruitful.
Pray that we will be able to give 100% of ourselves in service to these people who live 100% of their lives in service to our God.
Pray for our energy (especially around Thursday, b/c I am sure we will be wearing down by then.)
Pray that the Starbucks has white mocha :-)
Pray that my heart will be comforted as I leave my babies. (all 4 of them)
I don't think I can blog while I am there, but if I can I will. Other wise I will be journaling, so that I can blog it all when I come back. Thank you all for all of your prayers and support.
Much Love!
Thank you all for your support.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Vacation 2009
Ahhh! Fitting the my 200th post would be of vacation. We had the great opportunity to go to Myrtle Beach with some best friends of ours. We-meaning me and the kiddos. Hubby had to stay behind and work. We had a CRAZY week, which included 7 wild kids, to insane moms, 2 fully loaded mini-vans, benedryl, mello-yello, perfect weather, the police, my favorite restaurant (PF CHANGS) and too many laughs to count.
It was a great week!!!
Here are some pictures from the week.
It was a great week!!!
Here are some pictures from the week.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Team Gumby
Introducing "Team Turkey" (aka Team Gumby)
8 days and counting. Please be in prayer for our safe travels and to stay healthy. We will be gone for over a week. Many of us will be leaving children/families behind in the states, so please pray for that. This will be the longest I have ever been away from my kiddos, I know it will be very hard.
I am not going to fight to blog while we are there but I am going to journal. That way I can blog about the trip when we come home. My emotions are all over the place right now. Partly because I JUST got home from the beach last night. ( i will post pictures soon. ) Last time I tried to do anything like this.... I discovered that God had other plans. So this time I am taking small steps into my excitement. Trusting that God will place me exactly where he wants me.
In the mean time, please pray for us all. I wanted to give you pictures of our team so that you would know exactly who to pray for.
This team is a BLAST!!! We have already had many laughs together. I can't wait to travel with them. Thank you for all the prayers and support that many of you have sent out for us.
Much love!
8 days and counting. Please be in prayer for our safe travels and to stay healthy. We will be gone for over a week. Many of us will be leaving children/families behind in the states, so please pray for that. This will be the longest I have ever been away from my kiddos, I know it will be very hard.
I am not going to fight to blog while we are there but I am going to journal. That way I can blog about the trip when we come home. My emotions are all over the place right now. Partly because I JUST got home from the beach last night. ( i will post pictures soon. ) Last time I tried to do anything like this.... I discovered that God had other plans. So this time I am taking small steps into my excitement. Trusting that God will place me exactly where he wants me.
In the mean time, please pray for us all. I wanted to give you pictures of our team so that you would know exactly who to pray for.
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This team is a BLAST!!! We have already had many laughs together. I can't wait to travel with them. Thank you for all the prayers and support that many of you have sent out for us.
Much love!
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